Sexy Shrimp?


Has anyone ever seen 'sexy shrimp'?
they have a few in on eof the LFS that i go to from time to time-- they don't know much about reefs there, so i don't really trust what they say--- they claim these are reef safe- they just eat detrious and frozen shrimp, etc.
anyone know about this?
I did find a photo, cannot find any information. anyone hav these in a reef? they are really cool ooking, small about an inch long, and they wave there tail (kinda like, "Hey there big boy!" i think that's where they get the name...)

Thanks--- Joe


yes sexy shrimp are reef safe.. in fact they like to hang around on corals and do their little wave as you described.. nice thing about them is that they are so small and stay that small .. i set my fiance up a two gallon reef and put a couple sexy shrimp in it they do great and are very beautiful.. problem is in a big tank the just tend to get lost.. i'd get a couple.good luck


They do resemble Anenome shrimp, and also look like Eastern Harliquin shrimp, and Western Harliquin Shrimp, and the Clown Anenome shrimp.. VERY dainty looking...
Did you happen to get any info as far as being in a tank with other shrimp, crabs etc????

richard rendos

Active Member
I have an anemone shrimp in my 54 gallon tank. He is very similar to a "sexy" shrimp. He hangs out in my encrusting gorgonian all the time. He never leaves it, and never bothers anything in the tank. Really cool shrimp.


Update on sexy shrimp....
I have had my 2 sexy shrimp for a month now, and they are doing fine. They get along with all the other cirtters listed below, and are not attacking my corals, or anything else. They hide a lot, but venture out from time to time. Their favorite places are underneath the bubble coral, and under the branching hammer coral.
occaisonally, one will be spotted cleaning particles that have accumulated on my rose leather coral.
They eat frozen shrimp when i feed my fish, and they also seem to like the plankton- when i feed my corals, they run up and grab at the plankton cloud and seem to be munching on something. They also will take small pieces of fronzen squid. basically, they eat anything they can get their paws on :)
I have been waiting for them to get munched by my brittle star, but they have a unique defensive trick-- they can move REALLY REALLY fast! once slight touch from a starfishes tentacle, and they twitch and suddenly appear about 1 foot away. I have never seen anything move so fazst in my life. Its almost like they are spring loaded!