Sexy Shrimp


I plan on adding 2 sexy Shrimp on monday. Anyone forsee any problem's with what I have and the sexy shrimp ?
Current Inhabitants :
1 Tomato Clown,
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Peppermint Shrimp,
1 Burgundy linckia starfish,
Approx 13-15Blue legged crabs
12 Nassarius snails,
1 Emerald Crab,
Frogspawn, Candy cane, few mushroom's, 1 leather.
All of this in a 20 Long. I also plan on adding a skunk cleaner sometime as well.


Active Member
Quick Stats
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Temperament: Peaceful
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 1½"
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Hippolytidae
The Sexy Anemone Shrimp is a fascinating shrimp that exhibits an unusual trait of swaying its abdomen back and forth, hence the name Sexy shrimp. This species is usually found among the tentacles of an anemone, but in the reef aquarium it will quickly find a nice coral to perch on.
Sexy shrimp do best in groups of 3 or more individuals in a smaller reef aquarium. These tiny shrimp will grow rapidly, molting about every 3-4 weeks. Although very hardy, these shrimp should be acclimated slowly to avoid any salinity and/or pH shock. They are intolerant of high nitrates or copper levels, and iodine levels in the water must be correct to promote proper molting.
Feed the Sexy Anemone Shrimp most flaked and frozen foods, plankton, and meaty items.



Originally posted by logan15
cant wait I hope I helped you out some

Yes you did. Thank you.


I dont mind at all if you use the pic
i have a pair of sexy shrimp, and they are doing great. If you look at my stats you will see that i sorta have the same fish and inverts. Maroon clown, and you have a tomato. And we both have pepermint shrimp. THey are both doing great, and one of them has already taken to my colt coral.
They are the coolest shrimp i have ever had!
I thought I read some where that they only eat star fish. But I could be very wrong, just thought I should bring up the point.
Sarah :)


the shrimp that only eat starfish are the harlaquin shrimp.
These shrimp eat almost anything, and i handfeed them frozen brine.


Well, I got two of them last evening. and since i've added them to the tank, I havn't seen them :(


try to find em and if u do try and introduce them into an anemone or a coral similar to an anemone. they r almost imposible to find in a big tank with out a host cuz ther so small. u dont have to worry about that in a small tank, but in a big tank they will be harder to keep track of