SFE eats 3 inch Maroon Clown


This may be hard to believe buy my 18 inch SFE ate my 3 inch Maroon Clown. All I found was the back 1 inch of him - the rest was gone. This was very healthy and fat fish. I thought SFEs were safe and would only eat stuff that could fit in their mouth. Anyways, he hasnt eaten since and it's been almost a week. Is he sick?


OK. He is eating again now. I thought SFEs were friendly? Was I not feeding him enough you think?


Could be but in the wild this is what they do. I imagine that if he is trained by you to feed off of a stick he would not eat other fish in your tank.


Active Member
is it possible that the clown died and the eal just scavenged the body, i have had mine in my reef tank for 1 1/2 years with chromis tangs and even a scooter blenny and i feed it silversides and it doesnt bother anything but when a chromis died it was eaten quickly but you never know there can always be an odd fish that doesnt follow our norms


Well the clown looked good and healthy the day before. I do have a damsel and he is stil alive. However, I used to have two damesels - I'm guessing the eel got him too...