my sfe eel is gone i,am so sad i think my new eel stressed it out and he jumped out and died i found him dried up poor eel he was so beatiful and calm r.i.p.
Are you sure he was dead? Eels can live for a very long time out of water, some reports say up to 5 or 6 hours. Sorry about your loss, you get really attatched to the little guys. Bo
As said check and make sure he really is dead. They can go a long time out of water. I had a friends do that and we put him in a QT tank with a little stress coat and he pulled through.
believe me he is gone he was dryed up i even put him back in the tank and nothing my poor baby is gone i think my new eel stressed him out to the point he jumped out and they say that eel will eat each other but i feed this new eeel alot of silver sides well doesn,t matter know he is gone god he was so nice ,if another fish goes i,am done i,ll throw my tank out i hate when this happens
Sorry Man. Snowflakes really grow on a person. This isn't saltwater but I remember when my prized freshwater Clown Knife Fish jumped out of the tiniest slot. I found him dead on the floor and as one last attempt I put him back in the water but it was to no avail.
i had a huge ghost knife in the 125 before i turned the tank into a saltwater tank he was so cool very aggressive but he passed on by jumping out while i was changing the heater