SFE not eating

i have a full grown SFE i feed it every other day for the last year..i feed it silversides and krill...i recently bought 8oz pack of sqiud to mix his diet up a bit..im 4oz into the pack...about 4days ago i feed it 3 pieces of squid the next morning i found everything i feed it at the bottom of the tank..now when it comes out it will not eat anything i try to feed it...nothing has changed in my tank. any suggestions on what i should do.


dont loose any sleep eels can go on hunger strike for weeks even months for no reason at all if you see it out swiming the tank length then try to feed him. you could also crush up some fresh garlic to soak the foad in to get him a little hungry

crypt keeper

Active Member
My SFe would only eat krill. It was odd. i would supplement every once ina while but if its eating the krill then soak it in some vitamins and then feed.


what is the name of the supplement you would suggest soaking the food in?
im sorry for the highjack, i hope your SFE starts eating!!
well 8 days later it died...im wondering if the squid i fead it was the problem. could i of overfead him..its a shame..he was about 2ft long and really thick..it felt like it was about 3lbs..i fead him silversides and krill for a year then added squid and 3week later it died


Sorry to hear about this. These things happen. They are generally very hardy animals so I wouldn't hesitate getting another one.
Originally Posted by sean48183
Sorry to hear about this. These things happen. They are generally very hardy animals so I wouldn't hesitate getting another one.
thanks...still not sure why...my lion fish did the same thing...had him for about a yr it was about a foot long..and just stopped eating...i see ur i brownstown...im in dearborn heights...where do u get ur fish etc. at?