SFE vs foxface



I recently set up a new 75 with a 12 inch snowflake eel. I added a 4 1/2 inch foxface two days ago, girlfriend loves foxfaces(her fish). I feed the eel a silverside every other day(hoping to keep the aggression down). I came home tonight and the foxface is no where to be found(I moved LR looking)6 inch watchman goby and 3 inch flame angel are still there. I figured the foxface was safe(size, "venom",goby is better eatin size) but it is not in the tank. I checked the sump, nothing, and the tank is sealed so it could not carpet surf. do ya'll think the sfe could have taken a chunk out of it and it is dead in the rocks? I am freaking out, the foxface was a present to my girlfriend and she is going to be royally steamed when she gets back from her business trip. I did not think a sfe would attack a larger fish like the foxface. ANY input would be appreciated!!! Girlfriend is gonna be pissed!!!


Active Member
hmmmm, take all the LR out an keep searching? and maybe youve got a mantis hiding out somewhere an the foxface got to close? i mean, how long would it take a mantis to polish off a foxface?


I've had similar situations in the past, so I'll tell you my alternative outcomes for this situation.
1: Fish is alive, hiding, and will surprise you in a day or two when it is comfy and wanting some food. I had a foxface and a trigger that I didnt visibly see for 2-3 days after they were first added to my display tank.
Or, possibly:
2: Fish died, and your clean up crew did their job quickly.


Positive there is no mantis. I also let her cat escape and
it got smoked by a truck(which is bad cause she knew i hated it and will probably think i killed it). I am royally screwed when she gets back. Boswell I think you are gonna set the record for the most post in the shortest amount of time. Rock on! May need you to talk to the old lady and keep her from killing me. Any advice on how to handle the dead cat?


Active Member
hmmmmmm, i knwo how id handle it if it was one of my gf's pits, an that would be to leave the country...............FOREVER

hmmmmm, did u leave a door open on purpose? or did he go screaming out the door as you stood in it? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh great idea
when is she due home? go buy a new kitten tomorrow, and get the cutest, cuddliest kitten you can find, and tell her what happened, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and then say, but, baby, i got some kinda good news, this lil guy right here showed up on the doorstep this morning, and i just couldnt turn him away, and pull the kitten out from behind your back and hand him to her


2 dead pets on the same business trip?
Would NOT want to be in your shoes atm. Good luck =(
of course, now you can blame the missing fish ON the cat...just an idea.

Mboswell's idea is a sure fire bullseye for the "best of a bad situation" target. +1 to kitten idea.


Found the foxface, chunk missing from its stomach. Gonna go to new orleans tomorrow and try to buy a replacement before she gets home. Good idea or should i tell her? I figure the cat is gonna devastate her and i don't want her to be upset that my eel ate her fish(her only fish in all of my tanks). need advice.


Active Member
buy a new fish, priority one, priority 2, buy the CUTEST, most adorable, most cuddly kitten that you can find, and give her that when she gets home,a nd do it just the way i said to do it


+1 to new foxface asap. 1 pet is hard enough to lose. My gf "has" 2 fish in my display tank, though I have never seen her change my water, test the water, feed the fish..you get the idea. I doubt she is attached to a newly acquired fish whatsoever- replace and separate the eel for time being.
Cat situation is a little more complex. Kitten idea in my opinion is your best bet at any love before 2009


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
hmmmmmm, i knwo how id handle it if it was one of my gf's pits, an that would be to leave the country...............FOREVER

hmmmmm, did u leave a door open on purpose? or did he go screaming out the door as you stood in it? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh great idea
when is she due home? go buy a new kitten tomorrow, and get the cutest, cuddliest kitten you can find, and tell her what happened, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and then say, but, baby, i got some kinda good news, this lil guy right here showed up on the doorstep this morning, and i just couldnt turn him away, and pull the kitten out from behind your back and hand him to her

Went out to my truckto get my skoal(she does ntoknow i dip, dating 3 years) left the door open and my dobe
(She hates my doberman) chased that little sob into the road and got flattened. I panicked and chunked the cats body in the lake behind my house. In hind sight that was a really bad idea. I am thinking about buying her a new car or some jewelery to keep her happy(she is kind of materialistic) Yeah or nay?


Active Member
kitten is a much better idea, the jewelry is basically like you saying you killed it on purpose. but, whatever u do, since she hates the dobie, do not, repeat, NOT tell her that the dobie ran the cat outside, just tell her u stepped outside for some fresh air, an the cat ran out the door before you could close it


Originally Posted by Madwabbit23
+1 to new foxface asap. 1 pet is hard enough to lose. My gf "has" 2 fish in my display tank, though I have never seen her change my water, test the water, feed the fish..you get the idea. I doubt she is attached to a newly acquired fish whatsoever- replace and separate the eel for time being.
Cat situation is a little more complex. Kitten idea in my opinion is your best bet at any love before 2009

Car or kitten? I got her a new car for christmas last year but her sister just got a land rover so now she wants one. I did not want to get her one but I think that would help get me off the hook. This sucks!!!!


Car/Jewelry is buying your way out, and if she had a thing for the cat itll probably blow up in your face. Save the big purchases for the big celebrations. I dislike cats also, but the kitten is the gold medal here.


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
kitten is a much better idea, the jewelry is basically like you saying you killed it on purpose. but, whatever u do, since she hates the dobie, do not, repeat, NOT tell her that the dobie ran the cat outside, just tell her u stepped outside for some fresh air, an the cat ran out the door before you could close it
Good plan, but she haS that woman finesse of gettin the truth out of me. I think i might take your original plan and just move. I figure they need more lawyers in texas or mississippi


Active Member
can you afford the car? if you can afford the car, and can have it before she gets home, get one, AND the kitten, and when u give her the keys to the car, have the keys tied to the kitten's neck


The kitten seems to be the consensus. How do I go about finding one? Newspaper, online?


Active Member
hit up craigslist, shelters, if they have an SPCA in new orleans, go to it tomorrow before you buy the new fish, spca's are great places to get kittens, and remember, get the cutest damn kitten you can find


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
can you afford the car? if you can afford the car, and can have it before she gets home, get one, AND the kitten, and when u give her the keys to the car, have the keys tied to the kitten's neck

Dude that is freaking brilliant!!!! I can afford the car(gonna have to raise my rates), i did not want to get it, had my eye on a new duck lease in south louisiana but to avoid the grief it sounds like plan. Does the pound have kittens?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
hit up craigslist, shelters, if they have an SPCA in new orleans, go to it tomorrow before you buy the new fish, spca's are great places to get kittens, and remember, get the cutest damn kitten you can find
What is the spca?


Active Member
yes, but, ur better off, and should get better selection, if they have an SPCA, or humane society, in new orleans