shaking clownfish again question

brad pitt

what does it mean when the male shakes for the female and the female turns its head and looks like its saying... umm EWW?!!!
thats what the female is doing does it mean they wont hook up?


Active Member
The male is showing submission to the female. Even if she looks at him and doesnt approach he will do this. If he approaches her and does it, that too is also common, as if to say I am approaching you but I am submissive. He maybe wanting to pair with her, but he may also be just stating that he doesnt want a beat down either. Her turning away could be not interested or good thing you shook like that or I was gonna smack you around, but its cool now. Its a tough call with anemone fish behavior but the good news is that one of them is submissive, so your worse case scenario is they will co-exist. Your best case scenario is they will become a mated pair. GL.


Active Member
Just like humans, male fish are always "ready" and have to wait for the lady to get ready. (They're always "ready" too; but have to play hard to get.) I bred (actually, the fish bred, I just provided the mood) FW angels & discus for years to support my addiction and the behavior of younger pairs was very similar to your clownfish. After they spawned a couple times (again, like humans), they just spawned every couple weeks without all the foreplay.