share pics of damsels only


Active Member
Originally Posted by philburt
Yellow-Backed Damsel
Just so ppl. know...
Its a Neoglyphidodon melas. aka Bowtie Damsel, Black Damsel...
Gets 6 inches and turns solid black as an adult...most in this genus get big and mean and lose there nice colors as 1journeyman mentioned....


I have two green chromis, and they are easier to catch than my purpleback pseudochromis I had to get rid of... I had to take all the rock out of the tank!


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Just so ppl. know...
Its a Neoglyphidodon melas. aka Bowtie Damsel, Black Damsel...
Gets 6 inches and turns solid black as an adult...most in this genus get big and mean and lose there nice colors as 1journeyman mentioned....
is this something that I need to address now in your opinion (get em out)