Share Your Fishy Memories!


New Member
So last night I was thinking about these boards, and I got an idea. I wanted to share some of my "fishy memories" with the people here, who, unlike my family wouldn't find them extremely boring and nerdy :) But I also like reading other people's stories too, so post away :D btw, try to keep the stories more fish-related
Here's one I want to share:
I live in california nearish to the coast, so sometimes our family go there as a day trip. Well, when I was little (before I got into this hobby) I loved looking in the tidepools and seeing (and sometimes poking XD) all the critters and things inside. Once day, I just glanced into this deeper, narrow tidepool and saw something move very fast in the corner of my eye to I looked back and looked closely. Then I saw this what seemed huge at the time fish thingy. Oooo! I wanted to get a better look at it so I kneeled down closer. It was a light tan colored fish, then it darted over next to a dark rock and changed colors, now it was a dark gray color. Oooo now I wanted to look at it even closer, but the only way I could do that was if I caught it, so I had a butterfly net thing with me and I stuck it in the narrow tide pool. I tried to get it in the net, but the net was too big and the pool was too narrow. then, I came up with a great idea, why not just grab it? (hey, I was a little kid) Perfect, it was finally still, so I grabbed it, yes, i got it! Then I quickly let go, something pointy poked my hand! I looked at my hand quickly, saw no blood and thought I just poked myself on the rock or something. A little while later, I caught it with the net and had it in a jar my dad happened to have in his backpack. It looked like half dragon and half fish, like a fish that would be in a horror movie! It had spines all over it, small ones covering its body and larger ones in its fins. It had a huge mouth and big eyes. It was scary! I thought of stonefish in Australia and inspected my hand even closer now and wondered if I would need to go to the hospital if this fish was poisonous. Luckly, what had poked my hand was one of its small spines, and it only puntured the very first layer of skin :)
Yeah, I was such a smart little kid XD


New Member
here's another sorta dumb-funny one.
(this happened also when I was little)
I wanted to keep some fish, they looked so cool in the petstore!
So my dad bought us (me, my sister and brother) 7 fancy goldfish. So we had a tank (idk how many gallons) and we started to fill it up with water :) we were all so excited!
We put in the goldfish and gave them some food.
The next morning, they were all dead :( we thought and thought but we didn't know what had killed them, so we when to the petstore, told them our story but it didnt seem they could help us so we just bought more goldfish and tried again. and again they died :( then we went back to the store and finally someone helped us and gave us this little fish keeping pamphlet thing. we also bought more fish XD
I remember reading it in the car on the way home and telling my dad, "Hey daddy, look at this! It says here, that we have to make our water safe for the fish before we put them in it!"
when I remember that