sharin some pics of the 100G reef tank hope u like


Active Member
YAY!! Jcrim!!! U GOT IT!!! Now we can not be stopped!! Soon, all salties - reefers and fo's alike, will be absorbed into cuteness-matrix. Resistance will be futile....


I think i got you both beat distance wize so i belive i will be taking care of Mr. Fuzzy and you cant forget im the pimp master so you cant top that(see below)


i dont really wnat to fly to jersey but mybe ill just put on my pimp costume and wear it to the airport and the wow a few chicks and get a free ticket


Active Member
oh man what has this turned into....
hmmmm :thinking: wonder if people would pay me to babysit my tank lol hey u neva know
u kinda look like a coral i wanna get a really rare sps called the purple monster aka barney


Active Member
yes. and my Husband will promptly introduce you to the business end of the Remmy 870 Express.


Active Member
lol seduce any chick with what your great attitude your awesome outfit or your charming demeanor lol i dunon seems like too much to handle lol :hilarious


Active Member
ok... time to start a thread in the aquarium. No more taking up Murph's thread. IT's silly arleady.... find me in the aquarium or IM me Mimzywhimzy on AIM


Active Member
yeah now i wonder whos guna look at my thread now and comment
basically gotta throw this one out and start a new one
its ok Mimzy i know u were being cute with your phrases when this all went ary lol