YAY!! Jcrim!!! U GOT IT!!! Now we can not be stopped!! Soon, all salties - reefers and fo's alike, will be absorbed into cuteness-matrix. Resistance will be futile....
I think i got you both beat distance wize so i belive i will be taking care of Mr. Fuzzy and you cant forget im the pimp master so you cant top that(see below)
oh man what has this turned into....
hmmmm :thinking: wonder if people would pay me to babysit my tank lol hey u neva know
u kinda look like a coral i wanna get a really rare sps called the purple monster aka barney
lol seduce any chick with what your great attitude your awesome outfit or your charming demeanor lol i dunon seems like too much to handle lol :hilarious
ok... time to start a thread in the aquarium. No more taking up Murph's thread. IT's silly arleady.... find me in the aquarium or IM me Mimzywhimzy on AIM