Sharing my setup!


I just wanted to take the time to share all the work that I have done on my setup. Please feel free to ask questions if you have any and if you would like more information on what I did or the purpose, let me know. Also if you have any suggestions on anything that I might be able to do better then just let me know. I will tell you that alot of time has been spent engineering some of this setup to minimize the use of pumps and use gravitiy. As most of you know alot of this has to do with timing.
Also let me know what you think.
P.S. Pictures will follow right away.


This first picture is just of the setup that is under the aquarium. Please keep in mind that it is a 150 gallons, and those with the large aquariums understand the luxery of space that we share. The one exception is that most stands that I have seen are about 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. This one is 3 1/2 feet to allow for the best viewing while standing.


The next set up pictures are going to go though the sections of the storage under the aquarium. The first picture is a 10 gallon hospital tank that has a CPR backpack and a small filter attached. Of course right now there is nothing in it, but I will be adding a white cheek tang today because he does not seem to be eating well with his tank mates.


Actually the Mag runs great. Keep in mind that mine is a 9.5 so I can not say about the other models. I will say that they did a great job building it and I would expect the same from the other models. The best part is that it does not displace water from the sump.


Thanks Cypress, keep your eyes open I will be adding alot more in the next couple of minutes. Well just as fast as I can type.


This next photo shows the bulk of the sump. As you can see it has a built in skimmer, and a runnoff in the rear that I will show in the next couple of pictures.


Behind the third door is the remainder of the sump and behind that is the refugium. Let me tell you that it was not fun getting it back there, but for the design it works great, and fits like a glove. Just to the rear corner of the refugium is the UV sterilizer, which I will show better in another picture. This refugium is gravity feed at about 300 gallons per hour. This is enough for the UV, and tops off the mag when included with the sump contribution. Also you you notice I have a drip system setup that allows me to administor chemicals though a IV drip method and using a large seringe. Just another way of putting the chemicals in the sump.


Thanks for the info. I will have to keep an eye on the levels and make note of the change when things go out of spec.


Just as I mentioned before there is a bucket behind the skimmer to catch the waste. The bucket has a drain valve built into the bottom so that I do not have to take the bucket out of the setting. This is again in another picture.


Here is the last picture of the underside with the exception of the bucket in more detail. If you will notice the UV is fitted in the back corner.


I can not imagine that you will have any problems with the mag 7. If you do need any help let me know. I can try to give you ideas on how to best fit it if needed.


Now I am off to the top side with the lights. I know that there is alot of talk about VHO vs. PC, but in my setup I used PC. I have 4 96 Watt bulbs of which two are actinic, and the other two are 10,000K. In this first picture you will see the top of the frame that I built where I have a PC fan. There are actually 4 total and they are run using a computer power supply. Seemed to be the most efficient way to set this up.


This next picture shows how I am able to maximize the area that I have with the lights. I hinged the frame and used magnetic fastners so that I can swing the light frame up and out of the way. This allows me to work in the aquarium and get as little water as possible on the lights and reflectors.


This picture just shows the other side. You will also notice the PCB used for Cansiter filters. There are two in the setup.


In this picture you can see the hole that was cut to allow for water transfer to and from the sump. There is also a transfer to the refugium.


In this picture you can see what the lights look like when they are resting in the down position. They are approximately 10 inches above the water surface.


As I promised before this is a picture of the collection bucket from the skimmer. The valve at the bottom has a hose connected so that I do not have to remove the bucket. Because of the size it takes quite some time to get to this point.


I do have a valve on the transfer to the refugium. I turn it down so that I can meet the 6 - 8X and then turn down the return from the sump a little so that I keep the same flow levels. Thanks for the info.


This will be the last picture for now unless anybody has any special request. This is just a toss in that shows that I still have some work to do, or at least some cleaning. This is the valves and workings for the canister filters that sit to the left side of the aquarium.