shark behavior help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My port jackson in the last couple of days seems to be breathing really fast and hard. I've check water parameters and everything seems fine. Any ideas?:confused:
Have you grounded out your water. I would not worry too much. I have not had mine very long but he still breathes heave. I do not know if he is getting used to tank or just stressed out. How big is he, How long have you had him and what size tank is he in with what friends?:confused:


I do have a grounding probe, I've had him about 10 months, he shares his tank with 5 green chomis and a golden moray, and he's about a foot long.


Well you did say in another thread that he swims around alot right or am I mistaken? My horn breaths sorta heavy after he's been swimming aroundthe tank looking for food. There are alot of things that can make them breath heavy...


Well I guess about all I can do is just keep an eye on him. Hopefully everything is ok. Man sometimes its as bad as having kids. LOL


My baby leopard breathes really heavy as well. I thought something was wrong, but it still eats. I need to find someone with a leopard the size of mine to see if its normal. It's been like this from day 1 and it's been 3 days.


New Member
ADD SOME AERATION TO THE WATER YOU CAN PUT AN AIRSTONE OR A POWERHEAD. small bubbles do not bother sharks or eels like they do to some fish
they live in cool water about 70 degrees.
which contains more oxygen. my leopad shark does not breathe heavy but i have a lot of motion in the water.


I came home from work tonight and the port jackson was dead. I really don't know what happened. Very frustrating.:(


Aww ---- man that hella sucks. :( Bullheads are awesome sharks, I dont even want to think about coming home one day and seeing my horn dead. Now that I think of it it sounds sorta like what happened to my brownbanded bamboo shark. I had him for over a year and on day I noticed him breathing sorta heavy and the next he was dead. The only thing I could think of that killed him was the aggressive as hell whitespotted. Used to bite the hell out of him at times.
Are you planning on another pj or are you going to get a different kind?


I guess I'm still kind of in shock. I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I specifically got this tank for the pj. I'll just have to see what pops up at the lfs. Meanwhile I have a golden moray in the tank that hasn't eaten since I got him. I know eels can be funny about eating and it hasn't been very long so I still have hope. Thanks for the condolences.


Damn AC, that sucks!!!! Sorry to hear about the loss. If you are in the market for another, I have a wholesaler that sells PJ's for $180. He's out right now, but he said he gets them about every 30 days.
I am so sorry to hear about your PJ. It was feeding time for mine last night and I watched his breathing and it is pretty much the same. I might try the bubble thing. I do have several power heads and it looks like everything flows pretty good so I do not know when he breathes so heavy. I think you will love a smooth hound. Mine is very cool and swims 247. The only weird thing is all he does is stick his nose out of the water and swim around. It is a very good looking shark. My leopard was so full last night he was spitting his food in and out of his mouth trying to make room in his belly. I felt so sorry for him because he was so full. But o well, He will learn.:( :( :( :( :(


Thanks saltfisher, I'll keep that in mind. I'm really not sure what is next for this tank.:confused: