Shark Cage


New Member
I am going to build a large tank 12x5x5ft. I want to make a steel angle iron cage and line the inside with 2 layers of 3/4 in plywood, and then fiberglass the wood. My question is will the metal cage effect the sharks? I know sharks are very sensitive to magnetic and electrical fields. There will be no contact between the water and the metal cage.


Active Member
It's quite possible. Even the slightest trace of electricity is very harmful to captive sharks.


A fish store by me has a the same idea that you are thinking of. They have two bonnetheads and they seem to be fine.


New Member
The reason I want a metal cage around the tank instead of wood is I want to be able to move this tank in the next ~5-8 years and not just chainsaw it out when I sell my house. If I can move it I will not have to build another tank in my new house. Not many people want the responsibility of a 2600gal fishtank in their home theater. ***) (haha
are fun)ill be powdercoated if that makes any diffference. I really wnat to be able to reuse this tank if at all possible.


Active Member
I wouldnt use that idea if you're planning on moving and hoping to dismantle it and take it with you.
The only way, that I can see, to assemble (with the ability to disassemble it) would be to use nuts/bolts/washers, etc.
With that amount of force, pushing out, on the frame, I'd never trust any types of bolts to hold it.


New Member
I am not looking to dissassemble the tank. Just looking to be able to move it. If it is steel I will be easily able to jack it onto dollys and get it out of my house. Even if this tank becomes the sump of my future tank, I would still like to be able to reuse it. BTW it is so nice to have a community that does not automaticaly flame a person for wanting a shark tank. I have been into large SPS reefs for some time now and have a firm grasp on the husbandry of the marine species that I deal with an I am loooking to provide an ideal environmet for all of my tank inhabitants. thanks for all input and replys


Active Member
You seemed, to me, like you had a decent amount of experiance by explaining the way you wanted your tank built. We get alot of questions from people wanting to put Epaulettes into 180gal. tank, just like everywhere else.

You gotta admit though...that's gonna be one hell of a tank to move, by putting it onto dollys. You'd have to knock out a wall or something, to get it out of your house.
If it were me (and my plans are already underway for a 5500gal. lagoon), I'd just wait till you were settled in your permanent house, before undertaking such a big project. Why not build something a little smaller until then?


Active Member
Thank you, thank you...
*bow stage left*...*bow stage center*...*bow stage right*


New Member
Yes moving the tank is not a task that I look forward to. It will be removing the wall that the tank is built into. ( A-ha, I forgot to mention it will be built in with a 4x8 ft 1.5in thick acrylic window) That wall will need to be replaced but I have 9 ft of sliders to get it out of the house. My father says this idea is like putting 20's on a pinto. Not to badmouth my house, it is very nice, but he thinks a tank like this should go into a house more on the scale of his home.


Active Member
Well, you also gotta think...
You're talking 2244.16 gallons of water. At 8.5lbs, per gallon, that's 19075.36 pounds.
There are not too many houses, I dont care how new it is, that can support that weight. Even putting it on a solid, concrete slab...I'd bet money that you'll see the floor settle, crack and it'll jeopardize the structural stability of that tank, no matter if it's built with a steel frame or not.


If you are looking into building a large shark aquarium. I would be wiling to talk to you. To give you some guidance in this matter. I have built several large aquariums and I currently have a 2700 gallon shark tank. I am also planing on building a 12000 gallon with in the next 2 years. So feel free to give me a email at


Originally Posted by epicentyr
2.2psi does not seem like it would jeprodize the integrity of the concrete slab.
Aw is right I would have a structual engineer do some would suck to start having problems w/ you doors and windows b/c the also depends on where you live and what the ground below you house is like....if your ground freezes or not....


Originally Posted by AW2
Well, you also gotta think...
You're talking 2244.16 gallons of water. At 8.5lbs, per gallon, that's 19075.36 pounds.
There are not too many houses, I dont care how new it is, that can support that weight. Even putting it on a solid, concrete slab...I'd bet money that you'll see the floor settle, crack and it'll jeopardize the structural stability of that tank, no matter if it's built with a steel frame or not.
That was my biggest fear in planning my "Big" tank for my new house. Luckily my father builds houses and has a bit of stats useful to those interested in this. In his houses, he pours a 6 inch slab. It is my understanding that this is fairly standard (I'm a lawyer not a builder - so what do I know). He said that a six inch slab will support about 3000 pound per square INCH. The concrete will support the weight - that isn't a problem. The problem is the "settling" of the house. Houses will often shift over the lifespan of the home. The factors of shift are determined by the ground it is built on, size of house (wieght) and other factors. Also a shift might not be that big of a deal - if it is uniform in the way it settles, the risk to the tank would be minimal (IMO) - so long as it stays level. He said shift probably wouldn't be a problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by requiem
If you are looking into building a large shark aquarium. I would be wiling to talk to you. To give you some guidance in this matter. I have built several large aquariums and I currently have a 2700 gallon shark tank. I am also planing on building a 12000 gallon with in the next 2 years. So feel free to give me a email at

I'll let you build my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by epicentyr
I feel honored to be your 1000th post.

lmao AW too bad 500 of them post were arguments with children lmao (snicker)


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
lmao AW too bad 500 of them post were arguments with children lmao (snicker)

I dont think I like you anymore!