Shark collection season is comeing up


IS it a business - or just a way to help support a hobby that he loves.
I know(from having IMed him) that he already collects his own sharks(for his pond) - thru fish trips he takes to the carolina coast. And that he goes on these trips fairly often during the summer months.
Personally if he actually had a webpage(for it), rented a store front, or had a business license for it- then it would I would say that he has a business.
But until - he actually starts making a profit - I would call it just a creative way to help fund a hobby. A hobby which this forum actually promotes - the keeping of saltwater fish(including sharks).
Still -just as an example - what if someone else actually bred horn sharks - and wanted to sell the eggs or pups. Now just for the record a single Horn female can lay between 1-2 dozen egg cases in a single breeding season. And if said person had 2 female horns with a single. That breeder could end up with 48 horn shark eggs in a single year. If the breed then allows the eggs to hatch before saleing them - you could easily be looking at more than 5,000 dollars, for the pups.
Would that be wrong?
But may he's just posted ths topic - to test the waters, get ideas, and feed-back, for a possible future business. After all, folks - the shark collection season - he's talking about - is still about than 6 months away.
Also you must remember that 90-95% of all shark available in the trade - are wild caught. This includes the Horns, Bamboos, Eppies, Coral Cats, Blacktips, Bonnets, Sharpies, Smoothies, Carpet sharks (including nurse) & wobbies.
And most LFS or online dealers(carry all kinds of SW fish) know very little about what it takes to keep sharks - especially ethically. And IME, the only online dealers that that truely know their stuff about sharks - are ones that specialize in sharks.


Active Member
It is up for Sebae to decide what he wishes to do. I certainly know about collection of sharks, and ethical questions about who sells them. I don't really care either way if Sebae decides to pursue this option for himself.
All I am commenting on is how it relates to the board.
Clearly, this wouldn't be a "i have a few too many sharks to keep scenario" just from reading the first post here. It would cross a line. He's more than welcome to try and sneak by and see what happens, but at this time, with the intent explained in the first post, I am saying it would be considered an "underground business" using this board for customers. And that does not fly real well I am afraid.
Just an FYI and a heads up
Ya takes ya chances. I would rather warn you now then be surprised later. There often is no warning or second chance on these situations. And I would personally not wish to see him go as he contributes quite a lot.


I understand many people may question the ethics of some catching sharks either for their own aquariums are to sale to the public.
But allow me to enlight you on a few little facts in this industry.
90% of all saltwater fish at this time are wild caught(with sharks it's more like 95%).
It's better for these to be done by someone who knows what they are doing(ie. how to safely catch & transport the sharks, to ensure the best chance for survival). Also someone who has experience keeping these sharks - instead of dealing with someone who's basically clueless, about what it takes to care for these species, and the requirements to transport or capture them safely.


Active Member
I do not need the enlightenment, but thanks for offering it anyway.
I am well aware of what happens in this hobby. What you have said is not news, nor do I necessarily disagree. I have a lot of experience in this hobby and in the public aquarium industry and in the scientific community as well. Rather an unusual combination of experience actually. I know that many scientists feel that this hobby is a curse on the environment and would see it shut down. I do know a few things about transport and care of sharks and other livestock in this hobby, and have participated in at least one relatively recent thread with Sebae on this issue.
I have made it clear what the purpose here is. I do not care what Sebae chooses to do, I do not care what he collects as I presume that he will care for it properly.
But if he comes to this board to seek customers
then he will be banned. This is not specific to him, it happens with people running all manner of side businesses. It happens to people who are fragging corals to sell...which in and of itself is a extremely good thing...just not selling it here. Just the way it is I'm afraid.
This is not a debate, this is just an FYI while I can tell him early on.


By the way here's what I have for minimum recommend tank size for the sharks listed above - based on the measurements in Aquarium Sharks & Rays.
Keep in mind these are for a single adult shark of each species.
Atlantic Sharpnose - (adult size range - 3-4') -16' long x 6' wide x 3.5' deep or, 15' long x 7' wide x 3.5' deep (about 2,400-2,600 gallons).
Bonnethead - (adult size range - 3.5-4.5') - 18' long x 7' wide x 3.5' deep or, 16' long x 7.5' wide x 3.5' deep (about 3,000-3,200 gallons).
Atlantic Smoothhound - (about 3.5-4.5') - 16' long x 7' wide x 3' deep or, 14' long x 7.5' x 3' deep (2,100-2,400 gallons)
Blacktip (about 6-8' ) - 32' long x 12' wide x 6' deep or, 30' long x 13' wide x 6' deep (about 16,000 -17,000 gallons).
Lemon (about 8-11') - 42' long x 16' wide x 6' deep or, 36' long x 18' wide x 6' deep (about 27,000-30,000 gallons).
Nurse (about 10-14') - 32' long x 11' wide x 5' deep or, 28' long x 12' wide x5' deep (about 11,000 -13,000 gallons).
Just goes to prove that the Blacktip, Nurse & Lemon are ill-suited for most private shark ponds.


Here's my "Ethical" List. This is my minimum recommended list for keeping Atlantic species of sharks.The general guidelines for this are for this list. For small coastal swimming sharks (i.e. Sharpnose, & Bonnethead) - the formula is: Length = 4 x shark's maximum length, Width = 2 x shark's maximum length, Depth = 0.88 x shark's maximum length.
Larger coastal swimming sharks (i.e. Blacktips, Finetooth, Lemon, & Sandbar) - the formula is: Length = 4.5 x max. length, Width = 2 x max. length, Depth = .88 x max. length.
Large Bottom-Dwellers(i.e. the Nurse) - the formula is: Length = 3 x max. length, Width = 1.5 x max. length, Depth = .5 x max. length
Smoothhound/dogfish (Atlantic Smoothhound & Spiny Dogfish) the formula is: Length = 3.5 x max. length, Width = 1.75 x max. length, .67 x max. length.
Atlantic Sharpnose
- (max. adult size - 3.6-4') -16' long x 8' wide x 3.5' deep (about 3,000-3,200 gallons).
- (max. adult size - 4-4.5') - 18' long x 9' wide x 4' deep (about 4,400-4,600 gallons).
Atlantic Smoothhound
- (max. adult size - 4-4.5') - 16' long x 8' wide x 3' deep (about 2,600 -2,800 gallons)
Spiny Dogfish
- (max. adult size - 4.5-5') - 18' long x 8.5' wide x 3.5' deep (about 3,600 -3,900 gallons).
- (max. adult size - 5.5-6') - 27' long x 12' wide x 5.5' deep (about 12,500 -13,000 gallons).
- (max. adult size - 7.5-8' ) - 36' long x 16' wide x 7' deep (about 28,000 -29,000 gallons).
- (max. adult size - 7.5-8') - 36' long x 16' wide x 7' deep (about 28,000 -29,000 gallons)
- (max. adult size - 11-12') - 54' long x 24' wide x 11' deep (about 100,000 gallons).
- (max. adult size - 14') - 42' long x 21' wide x 7' deep (about 42,000 -45,000 gallons).