Shark compadibility


I will most likely be upgradeing my FLOWER tank in the near future to something like a 180 or 220.
Now I am pretty sure that i can not add any kinda bottem dwelling shark with a grouper, porc puffer, picasso trigger, and a stars and stripes puffer.
I just wanted to make sure I am correct in assumeing this. I would love something like a coral or banded cat shark.
PS: I know the grouper will prolly outgrow even a 220 so I am considering selling it. Is anyone interested? Its an 8 inch panther grouper and its growing very very FAST!!!


Active Member
A true Coral Cat would work, but not with Triggers or Puffers.
For a Banded Cat, you'd need a bigger tank.
If you were closer, I'd take that Panther from you.


but would a banded be compadable with those fish even if I had a bigger tank??
I cant see my puffers bothering a banded or coral cat shark...
Or is it the trigger I have to be worried about????
Also AW2 I think it would ship fine to u. I would add some heat packs and stuff.


Active Member
Trigger and Puffers are known to pick at slow moving, bottom dwelling fish...and usually, they go for the eyes of sharks. They'll also pick put the dorsal fin, pectoral fins or tail...which can easily cause an infection. I've tried doesnt work, in the long run.


Damn. What happened to yours??? I mean I dont want to sound like an ass but caould I at least try it if I where to get a a tank that could hold them all or is it really a hopeless battle???
My fish seem very docile and I actually have a bunch of hermit crabs they dont bother.
Thanks for your time,


Active Member
I had a male and female, who are now at the Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago, breeding and having tons of babies.
It's instictual for Trigger and Puffers to act that way. They sense a predator and attack, to drive the shark away...but, it cant go anywhere in a tank.
It may work for a while, but as your fish get a little bigger, that instict is gonna kick in and you'll see harassment to your shark.
Then, you may be stuck with a shark that's too big for anyone to want.
A Trigger or a Puffer can take out a sharks eye in a split wouldnt even have time to do anything about it, if you were there to witness it.


Active Member
I'm going to have to agree/ disagree with AW2. What AW2 said is correct, triggers and puffers do have a tendency to pick at the sharks eyes or fins. Though there are some other triggers and puffers that can be kept with sharks. I wouldn't put a shark in with a picasso trigger or a porc. puffer, i would go with a more peaceful trigger such as a crosshatch, blue chin, or even a niger trigger. As far as puffers a stripped puffer should be fine with a shark (my experience.....dont wanna talk about it though
) If you really want a trigger, puffer, and shark check out this list I made you.
-niger or other reef safe trigger
-small toby puffer
-coral cat
I say give it a try if you can trade in your other trigger and puffer.


Active Member
Puffers from the Toby family are actually worse nippers than puffers from say the Arothron or the Diodon family.
Cartman...not to be rude, but all of the fish you have kept have been together for a very short period of time. Either they're new to the tank or they have died and you have replaced them.
You're less likely to have problems with newer fish or younger fish. Once your fish grow and mature a little, you may a different story to tell.


"niger or other reef safe trigger"
there are no reef safe triggers


....... what.......
Cartman thanks for the help but...... Well first off im not getting rid of all my fish...


Active Member
if your serious about wanting a shark tank why not set up a tank just for a shark .I have a shark in my reef but I know as time goes by im going to end up buying another set up to keep alot of my reef fish and corals in due to the fact my shark is going to get bigger.and hes now in a 300 gal.