shark died

SORRY about your SHARK, what condition was it in, did the body look different , coloration, skin texture, any cuts, BUMPS, eye color,
what actions was it doing all this time. resting ,swimming, SPINNING,
surfising for air, how was it breathing, high rate or a low rate. an FOOD, what type,was it eating,CONDITION of FOOD,FRESH, or FROZZEN,also WHERE did you get the FOOD. just some factors to acount for. NEXT would be your WATER, LIGHTS,ROCKS,any ANOMINES in the tank? an outher tank fish, outher fish WILL pick on bamboos when YOUNG, resting on the bottom that should give you something to think about, an MIGHT help you find out WHY it died.


ok , the sharks skin looked fine while it was alive, he was eating mostly frozen krill,clams, and silversides with some occasional live ghost shrimp. He ate fine up untill like 2 weeks ago, i would put the food near him like u usually do with the feeding stick and he would lazily swim away from it. One day i touched his nose with it and he started spazzing out. He was getting skinnier by the day when he wasnt eating. And his stomache looked a little red and when i found him dead it looked like there was a hole in his stomache and thats why i thought he got stung by the lion.. Thanks again
hey man, sorry to hear about your loss, and just so you know, ive lost 2 bamboo's in my 125. thats why I gave up.
I feel your loss dude it sucks I remember. However I reccomend a 180, and I only have a 125. I believe a 180 is even cutting it close. IMO, it is amazing to keep a shark, but at the same time it is completely not fair to the shark. If it were me, Id skip the 180, and do what novice did. Build a tank, that will allow the shark to never run out of swimming space.
As for your new fish, my puffers grown from 2 inches to 9 inches in 2 years... that shuld give you some idea as to how rapidly they go.
It is advised on this board not to keep lions and triggers together, especially in a smaller tank, but it can be done. Just moniter it closely, and if you see picking remove on of them.
Just for the record, most of the fish we eat are very populated in the ocean, such as dolphin, tuna, snapper, grouper etc... but noone eats a shark. Killing a shark in an aquarium its very different from eating fish for dinner.(dont take this negativly its just my opinion)


Sorry for your loss, cdubbs. There really is a wealth of shark keeping knowledge on this board. In my opinion, you should try to learn from your fellow aggressive keepers and this experience, so you can try to minimize the potential for losses in the future. Good luck.


It is very easy to misinterpret the intentions behind the written word.
Advice from an upset person may still be acurate, honest, and worth following.
Advice from a humble and sweet person may still be inaccurate, or possibly wrong, even though the intention may be to help.
You can't tell from the tone.
How to tell if advice is good? Listen to it all, consult books, learn all you can.
Whatever you do, don't let someone else's emotions cloud your thinking. Or wreck your day.
Best of luck,
Cdubbs, REDNESSSS on the stomach, a couple of things could be from rubbing on the substrate such as crush coral, if it was a round redish rash, it was most likly internal parasite, sorry for your loss.


ok thanks everyone..i dont have CC as a substrate i have gravel like u would use in saltwater, it looks really nice..J/K April really i have sand as a substrate so he might have had a parasite