Shark does water slide


Active Member
I wouldnt think that it had to be too much chlorine in there to kill the shark. That plus the fact that the pool is most likely fresh water must have did it in pretty quickly.


Active Member
i don't know sharks are one of the more tolerant sw species to fw. All be it when they swim up rivers it is a gradual process.
Chlorine is not that stable. And if this is outdoors during the day, most of that chlorine should have dissipated out of the pool very quickly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
i don't know sharks are one of the more tolerant sw species to fw. All be it when they swim up rivers it is a gradual process.
Chlorine is not that stable. And if this is outdoors during the day, most of that chlorine should have dissipated out of the pool very quickly.
Some sharks are more tolerant. Bulls will often swim into freshwater to give birth. But I wouldn't think the same would be true for an open water species like a reef shark.
It's really too bad for the shark.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Some sharks are more tolerant. Bulls will often swim into freshwater to give birth. But I wouldn't think the same would be true for an open water species like a reef shark.
It's really too bad for the shark.
I think cause of death had something to do with the cause of him jumping.


Active Member
It's funny in a weird sort of way, but that would suck for the people that work there, I hear those guys aren't cheap...


Active Member
can you imagine coming down the slide next and seeing that swimming just before you hit the water.


Active Member
Besides, depending on if they use shock on a regular basis to help hold the chlorine levels to a sustainable 3.0 then it could've done the shark in. Those public pools have to be well maintained to keep them open. If they had shocked it the night before there could've been residual shock still in the water. That stuff is so porous that it'll irritate your skin and make it feel like it's on fire and cause a rash. I could only imagine what it would've done to the organs on the inside of a shark. Poor girl...instead of Leap of was the Leap of Death for her.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE

can you imagine coming down the slide next and seeing that swimming just before you hit the water.
Gives new meaning to the name of the ride - "Leap of Faith"