Shark Egg


Hey all,
Two questions:
I just received my shark egg today from an online order, along with a Naso Tang, which is doing quite well.
Question 1:
Is it normal for the egg to have a fishy smell coming out of the water?
Question 2:
When I look in the egg, I see alot of orange with a small dark spot in the middle, how long should it be before I begin to see the shark forming?


Active Member
Its going to be quite a while. Give it a few months and then you will see it start to develop.
As far as the smell, all of mine were captive bred and I never had to take them out of the water. Hold it in the water up against the glass and shine a light on it. Make sure the yolk isnt broken or crushed, etc. You can clip it to the side of the tank in front of a return so you can monitor it also.


To check if the egg is still alive drop it from the top of the watter. If it spirals down 95% chance it is alive if it swoops back and forth or just drops strait down,more than likley dead. but keep it in the water for a while. Yhis is a great way to check at pet stores before you buy.
Is that a valid test? Cus my egg seems to kinda blow in the current before settling.


Well, I am going to leave it in the tank and see if anything happens, but the outside of the egg began to grow a white film around it, any thoughts on what that is?


Active Member
Is your egg in the 75 gallon tank? Your shark will need a much bigger tank.
Also, your Naso will need a larger tank too when he starts to grow. JMO


mine is almost ready to hatch. i was asking someone about it the other day and they said that these guys have a problem swimming when they come out. is this true. i have a banded cat shark egg.


you could for a little while but you would eventually have to get a bigger tank to put him in. it's not going in my 100 it's going in my 180