shark egg


New Member
okay there is this place where i get fish at and they have a leopard shark egg that is alive now i am wondering what is a good tank to put this in for now being that it is in its smallest state i am planning on getting a 100 or 200 gal tank at a later time say a year maybe two is that too long to keep him in something smaller than 100 gal or should i just wait till i get that large of a tank or could i just transport him from one habitat to the other?????


Active Member
IMO it does not make a difference. Many fish are transfers from smaller tank to larger tanks. Morea eels for example, lots of people buy them in their small state and then return them when they get too large, its more aggressive to the fish than transfering but people do. Another good example is coral catfish, they get large man and people don't realize it until their tank is too small. Some try to return them or transfer them into larger tanks.
However, in this shark's position, i would say its really up to you. If the egg is on sale, buy it now and wait to get the larger tank. BUT WHEN YOU DO GET THE OTHER TANK make sure they are connected, do you know how LFS have tanks connected, that's what u want so that they change is not drastic. IT's not that sharks are unstable and unhardy, its just that they are very expensive creatures and will cost u if it dies.


Please please do not purchase that egg if it truly is a leopard shark. These sharks grow quickly, are very active, and need LOTS of swimming room. Leopards grow up to 6 feet long!!! It might be OK in a 500-1000 gallon tank for a short period, but after that you'll need either a huge tank or a public aquarium that will adopt the shark from you. If you truly want a shark, let me suggest a bamboo or banded shark. These are smaller and less active and therefore can live in a smaller tank (at least 125 gallons). Please do the right thing here, and do not purchase that egg. If you don't believe me, please post this in the aggressive forum labeled "Leopard Shark in 200?"


Also, your LFS should not be selling these eggs. Female leopard sharks give birth to live young that have developed from eggs inside of her, which means that if these eggs are indeed leopard shark eggs, they were ripped out from inside her, which probably killed her. I wouldn's support an establishment that contributed to this type of behavior.


First off, there is no way your lfs has a leopard shark egg. The practice Benihuma is referring do does in fact exist, but not to collect eggs. People have done it to collect baby sharks, which were nearly ready to be born. I would guess that what your LFS has is a bamboo shark egg, mislabeled as a leopard.
Second, you don't mention what size tank you have, but it's obviously smaller than 100g, so you would need to upgrade first, buy shark later. IMO 150-180 gallons is the minimum for even the smallest sharks.