shark eggs?



i recently went to the fish store and saw that they had cat shark eggs for sale u can actually see the little guys in the eggs moving around its kind of cool. has anyone ever bought one of these eggs and if so has the egg hatched and is the shark still living?


Active Member
i've never had one but i have seen them in the store and then the next day they were a they do live but after that i'm not sure how long they last...


Active Member
It is definitely not recommended for a reef, or frankly, a tank under 180 gallons. If they feed when they hatch (potentially a big if), they can grow fast. They are a bottom dwelling shark that likes to bulldoze rockwork and can collapse it. They eat crustaceans including shrimp...not to mention the water quality issues of having a predatory fish in the tank. They get to be about 3-4 feet long...and, IME, easily a foot or more in the first year. They are nocturnal, and, frankly, aren't all tha exciting.


yes generally the sharks that come out them (usually a bamboo or leopard or nurse shark) can't go in anything less than a 125 and up (the reason so small a tank for a shark is because these guys aren't fast movers).........but i would probaly stay away from them......altho when we have them hatch it is cool the first weeks as Ophiura said they grow pretty fast...


thank u everyone i just was wondering if they did in fact hatch or if the store was just running a good scam thanks again someday when i get a big tank maybe i will get one.