Shark Feeding


I might just take you up on that!**grin**
I suspect that the sexing may be temerature dependent as with many reptiles, where eggs laid and/or babies developed at certain temps are one --- and a few degrees higher are the other.
That's almost a ringer for mine.
DO NOT use the gallon glass jar catching method for other fish in the tank....imagine those stuck in a jar and trying to get them out.


Hey Mike, I think wat u might also be able to do is like breed mollies in an above tank sump, and like have the fry flow into the main tank. That, plus like the microfauna and other little critters in the tank, and then like live brine hatched from the eggs, might be able to work. Molly fry are really small, right? So like, the baby dwarf lions would essentially be able to feed on the plankton elements in the tank, then the fry, then the brine? Also, wouldnt spawning hermit crabs produce babies in the water? just some thoughts on a topic we lost out on a while ago, lol. Also, gimme an email, wouldya? I gots a couple more questions. Thanx Mike.