Shark Forum

tony detroit

Active Member
Should have a shark/ray keeping forum all by itself? I think it would be sweet, and very helpful to all the people that are interested in keeping them.


Nah, could turn out like some of the other boards...
If the forums are to specialized, traffic goes down, than its boring to go look check out.


Active Member
The "Aggressive Setup"forum is for "sharks,eels,lion fish,puffers,and other large aggressive fish"
While sharks may be popular now "everybody wants a shark tank"...if you just look back a page or two in the history pages sharks come and go...some times it"s "everybody wants a puffer" or "everybody wants a lion fish" or trigger or what ever...
We all learn from each other and alot of what I learn comes from reading others posts on things I may not have or "want" yet...
Like all the different Eels and how they relate to Sharks...or how Puffers are OK with Triggers but not with Lions who may or may not be OK with Sharks.
Not many people are running "species only" tanks and except for a "few"purists we could all learn from the variety of our experience.


I agree with leaving the forum as is. It's been great getting all of the feedback from folks who keep all kinds of aggresive fish. Also gives me too many ideas. Unfortunately I'm running out of room.:cool: