shark goes crazy


New Member
Last night I tried something new. I've heard many times of people feeding banded cat sharks (Chilosycllium Punctatum) out of their hand. I've had mine for about a year now. I've always feed her with a feeding stick. She's never been afraid of my hand, because I've pet her and she never cares when I'm cleaning the tank. But for some reason when I tried to feed her with the food in my hand she went crazy. I tried three times and the same thing happened all three times. It was pretty neat though because it was the fastest I've ever seen her move and she same like that for about 10 minutes, banging into every wall, and knocking water out of my tank all over the place. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Should it not be done?


Active Member
Originally posted by nmoran:
<strong> Should it not be done?</strong><hr></blockquote>
LOL....uhh. ya! I don't think it should be done! Do you really think it's a good thing for a fish to go nuts and get stressed out like that?


You just scared the hell out of the shark. Stressing them to the point where they bang into the sides of the tank will kill it.
Change your displayed name to nmoron instead of nmoran if you think tormenting the shark is "pretty neat".


New Member
I didn't mean is was neat to stress it out. I meant it was neat to see it swim because they don't do it too often. No need to get pissed at me. I take very good care of my shark. My post was trying to get an awnser on why it did that. Not for you to take shots at me.


My banded cat sharks swim constantly. Sometimes more then my nurse sharks do. Mine have experienced stress related crashes into the sides of the tank. This is generally caused by them concentrating on something else (like food) and then they become scared and flee. Another cause is if they draw something into their gills and it sends an electric impulse to their brain that it's potentially damaging so they flee. So in your case it would be the smell of your hand in front of their face. Your forgetting that sharks can sense electrical impulses. If they feel your hand in front of them... electrically speaking they can sense your entire body because you are grounded to your hand. You are bigger then they are... so naturally speaking you'd run away too.


New Member
maybe we can scare you and have you bounce of your walls with your head for 10 minutes. of course maybe you would like that...hmmm


I fed my banded cat shark by hand but I started feeding him like that once he started eating that was after I hatched him out of an egg. Maybe because yours is a year old and he is not usta having a persons hand next to his mouth he got scared. If you are going to feed him by hand you need to go real slow and take your time. He should not go crazy in your tank when you do it though. It should be just like how he feeds when you feed him using a stick.