Shark in a 55g??


Active Member
sorry to be blunt, but when it comes down to it, that is what everyone will say
sorry.... i feel your pain, but have managed :happy:


Active Member
Too much waste to be supported in a 55gal... Not to mention the swimming needs of sharks. It would be like buying a great dane and putting in a 5x5 room for life. Not humane at all...


Active Member
Well, I had a shark egg, and had it hatched in 50 gallons, i would not recommend that it all, it was really cool though lived for about 2-3 months, then my coral banded shrimp killed it.


get a bigger tank! i had a friend who had one in a 55 and it didnt even make it a year. it was really sad to cuz it just like sat there on the sand....not something sharks are supposed to do.


Active Member
NO,NO,NO,NO!!! If you really want a shark i would have too say get a coral cat shark and get a tank 125gal+. A coral cat will love good in a 125gal, but will will have to have no fish,a cave for the shark to hide in,fine sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by norcal
get a bigger tank! i had a friend who had one in a 55 and it didnt even make it a year. it was really sad to cuz it just like sat there on the sand....not something sharks are supposed to do.
actully cat sharks are suppose to do that


Active Member
Yes, cat sharks do sit on the sand for the most part but they are also nocturnal and active at night. Often quite active...but not actively swimming. For the long term - after perhaps 2 years or so at most, IMO, a 125 g is not big enough. I do not recommend people buy a 125g tank with the idea that they can keep a bamboo shark in it without issue forever.
I am afraid that you will need to keep a freshwater tank to get something that looks like a shark that is suitable for a 55g tank. There are several options there. But in saltwater, I am afraid you are out of luck for anything more than a few months at the most.


Im not saying to get shark in that small of a tank 55 but ground shark can be kept in that small of a tank. I heard from people having at least 3 shark in there 50gallon for a year and there still living in the kids upgrade today. Shark like bamboos wobbies ,they only come out to feed or when its dark, usally.They dont need much swimming space. I would say a shark in a 50 would be fine as long as your gonna get a bigger setup .


Originally Posted by Cartman101
actully cat sharks are suppose to do that

right......but when it doesnt even have room to swim around if it wants to swim, then its just not cool. sure it could FIT in a 55. but i could also fit in a 55 if i really wanted to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SMoney
Well, I had a shark egg, and had it hatched in 50 gallons, i would not recommend that it all, it was really cool though lived for about 2-3 months, then my coral banded shrimp killed it.
You were warned repeatedly and asked to find a suitable home for that shark even before the egg hatched. I hope others will listen.
No, it is not cool to house a shark in a small cube.


ya sure i have two cat sharks in my 29!!! ive had them in there for 3 years and their not just living ....... thier THRIVING!
i saygo for it i would if i were you.
p.s. Good luck "
p.s.s. dont listen to all these haters :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
........ :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

im going to lock you in my refriduator for a few years with a sumo wreastler........sure youll have food... and as long as i give you some oxygen you might survive.... but will you like it?


Active Member
A sumo wrestler thats funny I laughed out loud at that. Whats sad as jda said even cat sharks will need a 300gallon full grown and that is the smallest tank possible for the smallest shark possible. If you have 2 in a 29 (I really think is a lie) then they will die before to long at all as cat sharks get like 2 foot long. Hatching a shark in a small tank would be ok as an egg dont need space (it dont move) but once its hatched you better be willing to move into a bigger tank. Even though the shark dont move during the day it swims at night looking for food and if a shark cant turn around then it isnt gonna be a very happy shark.


Active Member
snipe: i also think it is a lie and do not think it is posible for the sharks to survive...... But even if it is a lie, i dont think they should be saying it is ok because even if they are not cruel enough to do something like that, they might give someone else the impression that it is not cruel....
PS: after considering it..... i dont think i will open the door for oxygen once you arae in my refridguator


Active Member
I know what your saying and I agree with you. As a baby cat shark would be to big to fit in a 29.