shark not liking food any more


Not meaning to high-jack this thread but Hawk Fish, how do you like your valentini?
Does it have alot of personality? And does it pick on your inverts and coral?

hawk fish

it is a great fish to watch, and the colors are amazing on it. if you walk past the tank it will fallow you as if you were going to feed it....and yes the only reason i got it was because i found a website that sells 100 snails for 15$$ and free yes it does peck at the snails nothing else...and only if its hungry. no troubles with corals..oh yaaaa...the best part is when my whole famley sits around the tank and the lights go out there are 2 spots in the tank where the puffer likes to sleep...he actuly sits verticly in a crevice or a hole and doesnt move....its VERY COOOOOL...if you would like to see pics i will take them tonight and put them on tomarrow.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by hawk fish
i got a reef to but mines 90 nothing compaired to yours
not as big as mine but still a very nice looking tank.and that puffer is a cutie


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Out of respect for the owner and operator of this site, please do not request or post links to other stores, thanks


O I'm sorry
I knew we couldnt post links to other sites that sold saltwater fish related things
But I thought we could give other people our email address so that they can send it to us privately
X_X my mistake


Active Member
the lion does pretty well in the reef for the most parts but if i skip a feeding(ifeed nightly) he will eat something he can catch ie clown chromis ect ive lost a few small fish to him majority of my fish are to large for him tg lol


i have had my shark for almost a year now. in the past week he won't eat anything i give him. he used to love shrimp,squid fish,clams. now he doesn't want to eat that anymore. so i bought some oysters and scallops and tried that and with all these foods he sucks them right in but keeps spitting them out... i ran out of ram shrimp so i was using steamed,i don't think he likes that. water quality is perfect nothing has changed in the tank. i can tell the shark is hungry so what gives???????
Unleashed help you seem to know alot bout these sharks eating behavior.


Active Member
Hawk Fish,
Start feeding your shark squid with a hint of garlic. Buy your squid, shrimp, ect at a seafood market, cheaper and fresher. It is not uncommon for a newborn shark to go on a feeding strike. Hope everything works. Heres a pic of mine and he was born on June 14 2006. He started feeding him squid a couple of days after he hatched and he went crazy for it.