Shark & Other Aggressive Fish


I was wondering if i could get a shark with a lot of smaller fish manderin, flamhawk, tangs, triggers and lions in a 537 gallon tank? I really don't know much about sharks but i am willing to investigate the info that i have to in order to be able to care for them. I ? is there a shark that is small enough that won't eat all of my fish, and won't out grow my tank? And with the lionsfish and the cardinals will the more aggresive fish take my other fish for dinner if i add them later on after the more passive fish?


All sharks will out grow your tank but you can enjoy them for many years. I have hade the lucturay of working in the industry for 10 years and have helped take care of many different reef sharks. Blacktips, white tips, leopards, banded cats, horns, nurse, bamboo, wobblegong, spotted cats, and many differnt rays. All of the above I have cared for during an extended period of time.
You don't need to worry about a lionfish trying to eat your shark(let murhpys law prove me wrong) because there skin is to tough! Beware of wrasses and large angels because they will eat the eyes out of the sharks that dont contstantly swim.
Your filtrations is essential for any of these specimens and must be perfect and well maintained. If you can't afford it, or don't have the time, please don't jeopordize the life of this beautiful creature.
If you would like further info. Please ask more specific questions. I don't proclaim to be an expert, but my expierance has proved to have been very effective with keeping all sharks.
Best of Luck, Would like to hear from you some more.


I still wouldnt put a lion in with the shark..... novice 150 had his lion almost kill his leopard a few months ago from coming in contact with it .....look below...... too risky...... your tank your choice...
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: ARVADA CO
Posts: 310leopard shark dying
Need help quickly, leopard shark was just stung by lion fish, he has a visible hole in his side from the sting. Gill area turning white, rapid breathing, spastic movement. I have been trying to help the shark breath by holding it in front of power head. Need help/ advice/ treatment quickly.


Needless to say, I'm with splash on this.
IMO lions can be kept with less active benthic sharks, but only because they swim around so little. Even then, things could go bad if the shark is spooked and runs into the lion.
Not all sharks will outgrow a 500 gal tank. Epaulettes, horns, and bamboo's are all excellent choices. There are many Wobby's that will stay small enough for your tank, but they don't make good community sharks, as they will attack nearly anything.
What are the dimensions of your tank? Length and width are the most important, as sharks need a tank with as large a foot print as possible.
I wouldn't add any small, slow swimming fish such as a mandarin to a shark tank, they are very likely to fall prey to even the most inactive sharks. Also, I'd drop the triggers off your list. They have been known to nip/pick at the sharks fins.


The tank dimensions are 96x36x36.
The shark thing those far is a no go, for one i don't know much info on them (2) i don't want to have to deal with a shark out growing my tank(trying to remove it). Thanks for the advise!