Shark Pics, new tank pics


Active Member
Looking good tony! :yes:
Do you like the black and white sand? I have thought about using it for one of my new setups but wanted to get other opinions.


Active Member
I haven't checked yet... finally got home from work after a nice 13 hour day. What exactly in environmental do you do? We are in the process of installing about 16 water quality monitors around the county.


Hey Tony, if you don't mind me asking, where did you get the leopard? Very nice, healthy looking set up you've got there. Nice job!

tony detroit

Active Member
MattieJ-A local place. If daniel411 does not get his 480 gal I'll consider shipping it to you for what I payed for it, I know you'll take good care of her. I'll ship her with a battery air pump and a big tub or something, I'll figure something out. Maybe even meet halfway or something. Daniel411 has first dibs though.
Irenicus-yup, not for life, but for a good year or two. I'm toying with building something, but the reality of it is pretty slim.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by cincyreefer
What exactly in environmental do you do? We are in the process of installing about 16 water quality monitors around the county.

Anything contracting/service wise. We do not do much water quality though, we would sub that out.
Next couple weeks I'll be in Wisconsin and South Carolina on some Dimethylanilamine cylinders that were filled at -200 degrees, sat in the sun and are at like 4000 psi or some ridiculous number like that. I need to drain them and de-pressurize.


Active Member
Wow, sounds like a bunch of fun! I'm not too familiar with this... How hazardous do you consider it?
Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention.... Had a close call with the black tips the other day. We were pumping premixed salt into their sump to compensate for the amount they splash out during feeding, and they started going nuts. One almost jumped out, but the angled acrylic barely kept it in. They were even swimming around much faster than you saw when they were feeding. I guess the heater in the premixed saltwater vat was putting out stray voltage. It was barely enough to feel in the cuts on my hands, but the sharks sure didn't appreciate it. I don't know how we would have gotten him back in the tank if he would have made it out. Kinda hard to grab a 3+ foot shark with your hands, especially with those teeth.

tony detroit

Active Member
I dunno, hazardous and unsafe, just have to take the proper precautions.
I'm surprised the grounding probe did not work??? I hate heaters, they are always going bad. Glad to hear they made it ok.