Tony pick me! Pick Me! PICK ME! Not your cousin, he's only blood. All seriousness aside if you can't find a home for the leopard I would be gald to give him a home in my qurantine pool (3500 gallons)
Leopard- No, good luck finding one. Pretty much banned and rightly so IMO.
Smoothounds- Not legally at the moment unless you can find someone willing to sell theirs.
It's about 5 hours for me to drive to Cincinatti......hmmn. We could work something out. I don't want to spend 150 bucks on shipping, but I also don't want to skimp on anything. I'd like to move her in a 40gal rubbermaid tub in the back of my Grand Cherokee like when I went to trade my bamboo for the smoothound. I used a battery air pump and everything went fine. Let me know what you want to do. I'm a reasonably guy, I come off like a ---- sometimes but people that know me know I'm good for my word.
There are a few species of deep water shark that do not get much over a foot, however these are never collected for the trade. If they were the price would be outrageous. The closest you are going to get to that small of a shark would be the cat sharks and these guys still reach over two feet.
Tony might be able to arrange to air freight the leopard collect so that you won't have to foot bill. Let me know.