Shark pond filtration?


New Member
Sounds great if you catch some Sharpnoses before we do I'll trade you the nurse for at least 2 Atlantic Sharpnoses. Talk to ya later


The wife just gave up her room in the basement. Can you say SHARK POND
Now the fun, construction.


What skimmer are you guys using on your shark ponds. I'm thinking a pond filtration unit for the biological filter, but where do you find large skimmers?


I showed you a pic of the pond filter that i use on my pond. look on ebaydotcom for the skimmers i have found some huge ones on there. i havent gotten one yet.


sebae09 what kind of pump do you use to pump to the pond filters. Now that I've got a space for the pond it looks like it will be an oval about 10' X 5' X 24 inches deep. I was thinking maybe a couple of the filters you use then an overflow to gravity feed a sump with a UV sterilizer and skimmer. Any thoughts? :thinking:


How many gallons did you come up with when you did the math?I got 659 but i might be wrong. Your on the right track but your going to need something bigger than a sump,something to put alot of LR in it alot cant be in the pond. I dont think you will need the UV sterilizer considering sharks cant get ich, it would just hurt your biological bacteria. a skimmer is a definate for a shark. I would have a good wet/dry or fluidized bed filter on it also, feeding fresh seafood realeases alot of ammonia into the water.


it will be about 800 gallons(I think) starting now basically. I need to get stuff cleared out of the room but I'm basically in construction planning mode.


i drew what i would do on a paper but this is on paint so it kinda sucks lol and i had to cut some of the ovel off to make it fit.


than on the output have it covered up except for maybe a few bulkheads than have pumps pushing water out of the LR container, the surface skimmer will equalize the input with the output as long as its level. i would also have some mangroves or chetomorpha in the LR contaner.


I'm looking into a custom wet/dry that has about 4 cu. ft. of biological filtration capacity and a protein skimmer with ozone. I'm not set on this, still doing research.