shark pond


Got some pics of the improved pond. The tank mates are bat ray, smouthhound shark, two bamboos in the container, and a large coral cod. The two bamboos are in the classified forum.



Well if they are fed properly, and healthy, they should both outgrow that system. BatRays get to a size of about 1.5 meters, and Gray Smoothounds about 4'. Both to large for your pond.


Actually Bat rays can get up to 6' (about 1.8 meters) in disc width.
According to "Aquarium Sharks & Rays" by Scott Michael.
Gray Smoothhounds need a minimum of a 1700-1800 gallon tank/pond. And Bat rays need minimum of a 4,800-5,000 gallon pond
And keep in mind - Mr. Michael's estimates tend to be on the low side.
A good ball park is figure for a minimum tank/pond for an adult gray smoothhound is about 2,500 gallons & for an adult Bat ray figure at least 6,000 gallons.