shark pools/ponds


I'm in the planning stages of building a shark pool. I need as much detailed information and pictures of pools, filtration, plumbing etc... and anything else you may think is necessary from those of you that have shark ponds/pools. It would probably be best to email me the information to :help: :help:



I'm in the very infant stages of this, as a matter of fact the room in which it would go in isn't even built. I doing very basic research to see if this is even feasable. I'm mostly curious about how you did your filtration, returns, and skimming for the time being. I would also like to get pictures for ideas to feed this sickness I call a hobby


Active Member
Well the filtration is pretty much gonna depend on how big the pool is gonna be, and how much room you will have. Easiest way for a return is just make a large hole on one side of the tank that you want to feed the sump, and make some type of strainer based on the flow. Then all you really need is a large skimmer (large Euro-reef, RK2, Geo, MRC, etc...), add a good size UV, and maybe bioballs or a sandfilter or something. If you have a diagram of your proposed room, that would be the easiest way to start.