Shark question


Active Member
really depends on what trigger and puffer you have.....personality wise. Some will nip, be extremely aggressive, shy, or wussys. Dont let anyone tell you you cant because you may be able........


Active Member
Actually, it's pretty much proven that it's not recommended to keep puffers or triggers with sharks...especially bottom dwelling, slow moving species, such as Bamboo Sharks.
Puffers/Triggers will nip at these fish, often going for the eyes...which will, in turn, leave your shark blind.


Active Member
no, its there personality that matters, i have seen a humuhumu trigger and a porc puffer in with a horn shark ( or maybe it was port jjackson?) and there were absolutly no injurys on the shark.
For example, lets say a guy moved to a family neighborhood and that guy was in a gang all his life, yes they shoot at people, does that mean this guy is going to kill people in his new neighboorhood? NO, it just depends on what his personality is. You may just think i'm just a kid, but i'm smart and have the common sense with me.


As you are right Cartman what happens when you bring that trigger or pupper home and they pluck the eyes out of your shark and you are left with an expensive fish that will die from starvation. Or on a brighter note you catch the fish before they do this you are still stuck with a fish that will get very big or you may be able to return to lfs for half credit. Not worth it imo but to each their own. I have seen a humahuma with a shark and they are fine but this is one case and the guy has like 7 tanks up so he has no problems moving the trigger if needed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
no, its there personality that matters, i have seen a humuhumu trigger and a porc puffer in with a horn shark ( or maybe it was port jjackson?) and there were absolutly no injurys on the shark.

It's not about "personality". It's about what comes natural.
Those fish might be ok with that shark for a while, but sooner or later, they're not gonna be alright.
I think it might be a good idea if you actually have some "first hand knowledge" about such questions before you give out "guaranteed" advice.


Active Member
I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful.
I just think it might be a good idea if you actually have some experiance with these certain types of fish, that you're giving info about, that you say will definately work together.


AW and Cartman, you're both right to a degree. Cartman, of course each individual fish may act differently... we've all heard stories about reef safe triggers and puffers but this is not the norm. Bottom line, though is why suggest a species that poses a risk in the hopes that you get the right individual. This is not really the best advice because often it will not work.