shark set up in my pool

U R CRAZY......... NOW u can feed people u dont like to a shark... Just call them all up and say u r having a pool party.. LOL:p


To me this doesn't sound like a real or workable idea. The cash alone to make something like this thing work for most people is unobtainable short of winning the lottery. Last time I check the powerball odds were like 80 million to 1. So I wouldn't go planning this expecting to win, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning on 3 seperate occasions.
After reading all the posts of several very nice and dedicated members of this web board and seeing that you answered pretty much none of them, I have to assume you are not serious about this project.
It would be far more senseable to build something like black tip has and put the shark in there than it would be to convert your pool. Insurance would be another big thing if you had a shark in your pool not to mention the fact that local law probably doesn't permit something like that.
I would suggest a different project this one is way to complex and costly.
Black tip you are my hero, thanks for all the help you have been giving me!



Originally posted by kinkfish
this board has GOTTEN KIND OF STALE I was just bored and wanted to stir something up!!

We call that TROLLING.:rolleyes:
i know someone did this when i was stationed in san diego. they had an indoor pool that was about 20ftx 40ft and 3ft deep to 5 deep. i dont know how many gallons but they never had the pool running once the pool was finished he decided to make it his fish room and put the bigger pool outside with a diving board.
The filiter room he had two wet/drys going with the actual pool p[ump itself. some how he had all three pumps going to the same room. the pool filter itself was to collect big particles like fish waste from feeding(not eaten food) i dont remember the skimmer he had but he had two of them. it already had a heater built in to th pool so tht wasnt the problem and he had glass installed on the roof to help with the lighting with a extra setups over the tank at night! so i know it can be done. he had like 3-4 sharks and i think a angle or soething.


Active Member

Originally posted by kinkfish
what is trolling?

just like in fishing, it is throwing out bait and trolling along to see what bites.
trolling is throwing out a statement merely to see what we will do and say, generally the responses are known before the post is typed even. It is basically trying to incite a flame- war or riot on the BB.
Not apprecitated at all!
However, yours seems more like fantasizing. Maybe it should have been worded along the lines of:
It would be really nice, if..................................
or something like that. Just basically letting others know that you are merely fantazising about having a 25,000 gallon tank or something