Shark Tank Questions


Ok I'm getting a 190 gallon and I am going to put 1 Black Banded Cat Shark in it. I have a list of what I'm getting (below) I made this this morning to organize my thoughts. Any thoughts on any other supplies or suggestions. Also does anyone have a banded cat shark and could they give me suggestions on what to do to make him thrive.
190 Gallon Shark Tank
190 Gallon Aquarium (48 X 36 X 25) - $550
Shark: Black Banded Cat Shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) 3"–5" Inches - $44.99
Clean Up Crew: Turbo Snail (X25) - $39.75 Bumblebee Snail (X12) - $27.48
Filtration: FilStar XP3 Canister Filter (13 X 14 X 9) -$86.19
Filtration: Penguin Bio-Wheel 350 – $27.99
Filter Media: Aqua Clear 110/500 Foam, BioMax, and Carbon –-$16.97
Media Basket: Penguin 350 Media Basket - $2.99
Heater: Visithem Deluxe Heater (X2) – $38.98
Protein Skimmer: Prizm Pro Deluxe - $199.99
RO/DI: Pure-Flo II (50 gpd 4-Stage RO/DI unit) -$159.99
Dechlorinater: Bio-Coat Marine -$5.99
Salt: Instant Ocean Salt (160 gallon and 50 gallon) - $38.68
Thermometer: Coralife Digital Thermometer - $4.89
Substrate: Sand (no price yet)
Ground Wire: Ultra-Ground Titanium Probe $16.99
Powerhead: Maxi-Jet Powerhead/Pump Model 1200 (295 gph) -$22.99
Lighting /w Lunar Lights: Single Satellite Compact Fluorescent Fixture (48") - $129.99
Total: $1414.85
I plan on letting the tank cycle for about 2-3 months and make sure all water perameter are perfect and remain that way for 2 weeks. (i'm goin all out haha)


If I were you I would expect some, if not all, of your cleanup crew to get eaten. Another possibility is a couple conchs to clean. Mine does fine with an epaullette shark. Good luck.


Active Member
I really honestly think you are going to need more in the way of filtration and circulation...and probably a better skimmer. That is a BIG tank and needs a lot of water movement. Also you may not think you'll add more fish but there will be lots of empty space and you'll be tempted to fill it. So I would beef up the filtration, skimming and circulation, IMO. :yes:


Originally Posted by ophiura
I really honestly think you are going to need more in the way of filtration and circulation...and probably a better skimmer. That is a BIG tank and needs a lot of water movement. Also you may not think you'll add more fish but there will be lots of empty space and you'll be tempted to fill it. So I would beef up the filtration, skimming and circulation, IMO. :yes:

I agree. Also, I try to limit powerheads or other electrical equipment that is actually in the tank with the shark(s). Overflow and a wetdry, skimmer, and UV :yes:
Also, some of the more active sharks tend to injure themselves on external filter tubes such as the one that you'd have with the bio wheel... Otherwise, I think you're looking pretty good.


Personally I would ditch your filtration for a large wet/dry, a much better skimmer and a UV sterilizer. I've been using such a setup and have had healthy happy sharks and sting rays for years. It's also much less complicated. Less to go wrong. Just my $.02 HTH :thinking:


Originally Posted by AC
Personally I would ditch your filtration for a large wet/dry, a much better skimmer and a UV sterilizer. I've been using such a setup and have had healthy happy sharks and sting rays for years. It's also much less complicated. Less to go wrong. Just my $.02 HTH :thinking:
Definitely the way I'd go...


Active Member
Agreed, that is the best way to go :yes: There are lots of DIY ways to do the wet dry etc. What I would generally emphasize is that, on any tank but especially on a tank of that size with a shark, don't try and "get by" on a tight budget. I would save up until it can be done right, and the wet/dry and good skimmer without a doubt would be the best way to assure that on such a tank.
For awhile as a cost saving thing you could probably stick with whatever lighting comes with the tank. Also you will not need dechlorinator with an RO unit (and you can find probably a good 5 stage RO/DI on an auction site for less). Do you need a stand for the tank as well or will you make one? Get a drilled tank if possible for use with the wetdry.
Also, what do you guys think the best foot print tank is for a cat shark? Would you do a 4' X 3' tank so it could basically sit straight in any direction as an adult, or would you go with a tank a bit longer? I hadn't thought a lot about that. I haven't really seen this dimension tank so I am trying to visualize and on a friday morning it just isn't working well..:D :
Would you add any (stabilized and secured) rock structure for a cat shark? One's I worked with seemed to really like the structure and it would be pretty natural for them as well.


Originally Posted by ophiura
Also, what do you guys think the best foot print tank is for a cat shark? Would you do a 4' X 3' tank so it could basically sit straight in any direction as an adult, or would you go with a tank a bit longer? I hadn't thought a lot about that. I haven't really seen this dimension tank so I am trying to visualize and on a friday morning it just isn't working well..:D :
With sharks, longer is better...