shark won't hatch


So ive had this shark egg for about a month and a half and it still hasn't hatched should i cut it out?should I tkae it of the clip


Originally Posted by draconis321
So I've had this shark egg for about a month and a half and it still hasn't hatched should i cut it out?should I take it of the clip
Do you see anything moving in there, I would not cut it open if I was you. If you see the shark moving then I would just leave it alone.


ihatched one one time and it took a long time but if you have it hanging on the side of your e to see the glass you should be able to see the shark moving inside of the egg when the lights are on inside of the tank

el guapo

Active Member
If its not hatching then its not ready to hatch yet . Let it be , It will hatch when its ready to .


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone else. You should see a small heart beat or something moving inside the egg. When it's ready, it will come out. No worries.


as long as he is moving in there you are fine... Really just give it time, I was dying to go after mine with scissors when i had my egg bc my lfs said it would be like 5 weeks to hatch and it ended up being closer to 3 months. But i actually woke up in the middle of the night and got to see it hatch from its egg