

I know that sharks need a lot of room to swim. I am wanting to get a banded cat shark egg, and raise it from that. I know it is hard to feed, but I really want to do it. My question is would the shark be ok in a tank that I believe only holds 60 gal of water, but is short and wide? It is about 45"x20" surface area. 15" high. Would this be enough room for a juvenile baded cat? I want to raise him, then it goes in a bigger tank when it grows. Any thoughs, suggestions, or tips? Thanks
in my opinion, the bad thing is while most people plan on upgrading their tank as the fish gets bigger, it usually doesn't happen when the time comes around. if i were you i would get a bigger tank first.


If you are sincere on upgrading your tank, then you could raise a juvenile. Be aware that a newly hatched shark will be finicky eaters.


I see no problems with your plan as long as you actually do upgrade in the future. A tank with those dimensions would do quite nicely for a juvenile.


I just hatched a shark about 3 weeks ago. Had to cut him out no yolk was in egg and he was pass due. He is in a 75 gal now. The wall is being built for big tank now. It took him about 2 weeks to relly start eating. Lights go out at 10pm and at 11 he will attack the feeding stick. Good Luck!!


ours is almost 2 months old - he's been eating frozen krill & will attack the feeding stick - & he will come out during the day when he's hungry. he'll eat 1 piece & then wait a while - about 1/2 hour or so before he's ready for another piece - early last week he ate our coral banded shrimp, we believe he's killed 2 anenomes (with help from our wrasse) & 1 of our mandarins may be next (i think he's sick - he's definately been picked on)
we have ours in a 460 with a lot of rock & we'll have to find him a new home when he's bigger


Thanks for all the feedback, now, How do you suggest I get it feeding out of the egg? When do I know when is time to take it out of the sack as someone said? HOw much does it need to eat and how often etc.. Any website links or info replied here would be great. I wanna get 100% of my info before I get the shark. Any info is new info to me, never done a shark before, thanks a lot


I have two banded cats, 1 about 22" and one about 15". I've raised a few in the past and really had the best luck with frozen squid. They absolutely go crazy for it. I have never had much luck with anything else. I've posted some photos of my sharks in the past, but if anyone would be interested in seeing them, I can post some more. I have many photos of their progress from hatchlings to now.


Here are a few from about 4 months ago. I will post some more recent and some juvenile photos in the next couple of days.
Have kept the larger shark for about 2 or so years now. He is about 22" and seems to have stopped growing. My female is about 15" with some growth left i'm sure. I am feeding them frozen squid twice a week. That seems to be all they like. I have tried many other things with no success trying to give them a more diverse diet.
Have had this tank in current configuration and same fish for life of tank just in case some out there feel the need to warn me of future demise. I clean the water and skimmer regularly and have had no sick or sluggish fish. Water quality is always right on.
125 gallon
protein skimmer
uv sterilizer
2 Brown banded bamboos sharks (m/f)
Tomato clown
Blue tang
Pajama cardinal
Moray eel 18"+/-
3 misc. damsels


Wow they're big. Do you worry about them eating your other fish?

lions den

Is it OK to have 2 sharks in a 125???? Just curious because I have always wanted a shark but never had the funds to get a tank big enough. I am getting a 110 next week for a lion and a puffer, but if I could get a shark in that tank then I would. If you can get 2 in a 125 do you think it would OK for me to get 1 in a 110???


In response to the previous two posts. I have never had any problem with fish being attacked. Since they are on squid, they seem to have no interest in the fish. I have had the male bite the eel but that was just from the feeding frenzy. I know how to feed them now to prevent that. Every once in a while the sharks will snap at the fish thinking it is a piece of squid during feeding but the fish know to stay clear so i have had no incidents. I've had more problems with incompatible fish than I ever had with my sharks. I have had snails in the past and that is the only thing i've had the problem with the sharks. From time to time i would find an empty shell and couldn't figure what was going on until one night I caught the shark sucking the snail out of the shell! Expensive for a feeder, but very intersting to watch. This must be a natural food for these sharks. Their mouths really don't seem designed to put a bit bite on something, they suck their food up more than anything then pulverize it.
As far as size is concerned for a 110, I think you would be ok with a bamboo shark. You just have to resist the temptation to overfeed them. Some people may feel feeding once or twice a week when they can eat daily is cruel but mine seem adjusted just fine to this schedule. It also gets them swimming about more. When they are full, they just kind of lay around for a couple of days doing nothing. This kind of feeding is also easy on the filtration of the tank.


I forgot to mention that lions and puffers probably wouldn't be compatible with the shark. Puffers seem to nibble on anything sitting still and could really damage a shark and the poison fins on a lion could pose a real danger with the shark and their swimming pattern. You would be good with groupers, eels, tangs and such. Stay away from triggers as they would eventually tear a shark to pieces. They are very territorial and if a shark was to get in their hole, it could be devastating.

lions den

Just for clarification does everyone else agree that one shark in a 110 is OK???? :)


I suggest not starting a debate like this. I've see it over and over with tangs. Sharks are the same story. Just FYI. Some people will do sharks in a 110, others will say that is simply too small. You'll here more from the latter.