Sharks Please help


My calcium level is about 900 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: How do i lower it. PLEASE HELP P.S. the reason it is so high is i was adding to much everyday


You could probably do a partial water change to reduce the calcium. What is your current alk levels? Are you sure your test kits are still good? How are you dosing the calcium?


I just bought a sea test test kit. I have been adding 2-3 teaspoons of seachem reef advantage everyday, and dripping kalk w/o monitoring my levels. I just assumed from all the calcium eating coral (sps's, clams) that it was not going to go to high because they would have been using it all up. Wrong!! :D Anyway did 8 gaollon water change yesterday, will do 25 gallons in the morning. Thanks guys, and other other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. there are no calcium sponges right???