

this summer im going to try and build a 220 or maybe a 250 gallon aquarium specifically for my basement. yes, i may be 15 but i think if i start now, build in the summer, give it a year to cycle and be perfect, i might be able to get a shark in there by the following christmas-summer. i was wondering on what type of shark to get, the cost on the shark, and if i could put any other aggressive fish in with that shark. please post pictures of your sharks if you have any.


Active Member
This is kind of a broad question and difficult to normally get many responses. You might want to ask something a little more specific, or better yet just do a search... This gets discussed a couple times every day it seems. The easiest way to start would be to tell us the dimesions of your tank, because that will be the ultimate factor in what is recommended.


Active Member
Im going to call upon the infinite wisdom of Mattiej on this one. If you really want to keep sharks, decide through active research which one you want to keep, then build the system around the animal- not the other way around. Just a thought.