

Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Heres what I have in my 125gal:
-Niger trigger(.....I thought triggers had a "dog-type" of personality? Beautiful but boring)
-V.Lion(loves to dance in front of the glass. "beg for food")
-Goldentail Moray(very beautiful but shy)
-damsel (waiting for him to get eaten LOL)
I have had no problems with the trigger or lion. You mentioned a coral cat shark. You could possibly keep it in your size tank however they cost alot and there could be a chance your puffer will pick at the shark, its a 50/50 shot. JMO.

I shouldn't say my trigger is boring
Some of the stuff he does is cute and when you throw in a ghost shrimp he chews it up, spits it back out, and then eats it :scared:


Well added a wolf eel and lost my Blue Tang (stressed I guess) so thinking this willbe my new list.
DSF Tang
DF Puffer
Wolf eel
V. Lion
Blue Moon Angel
Wrasse of some type maybe Tusk, Coris or twinspot


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
Well added a wolf eel and lost my Blue Tang (stressed I guess) so thinking this willbe my new list.
DSF Tang
DF Puffer
Wolf eel
V. Lion
Blue Moon Angel
Wrasse of some type maybe Tusk, Coris or twinspot
keep a close eye on that green wolf eel if your have a wrasse he may get chewed on(the eel )


Thanks unleashed I can always count on you to help. I am not dead set on a wrasse and may leave it out all together. I could keep it at 5 fish especially with the adult size of most of these fish. I just want some color moving around as well as the cool looking fish such as the puffer,eel and lion
Wonder if a Fox face Lo would be ok with my SF tang and the others or maybe a soldier fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
Thanks unleashed I can always count on you to help. I am not dead set on a wrasse and may leave it out all together. I could keep it at 5 fish especially with the adult size of most of these fish. I just want some color moving around as well as the cool looking fish such as the puffer,eel and lion
Wonder if a Fox face Lo would be ok with my SF tang and the others or maybe a soldier fish?
your very welcome.i wish my husband would have left out his wrasse i have a lunear wrasse omg that thing is evil he doesnt both my fish just wants to eat my hands lol.if you try for a foxface of any type take the sailfin out of the tank while placing the foxface into it.just take a bucket add tank water and place it there for a few moments.reason being sailfins can be very agressive and territorial.move a couple of the rocks around nothing major just enough to create territorial changes turn the lights off when acclimating the new fish after you release it into the tank the return the sailfin keep the lights off for an hr or so all of the fish will hide in the darkness.when the ligths come back on the newcommer is less noticable to the other fish and when you moved the rocks you made it so they all have to claim a new territory.but your tang wont have one to defend yet.its a pain sometimes catching the older fish but it realy does help alot. here is a link to some of my photos maybe this can help you decide some of the combinations that can work.some of my fish arent in it yet I still have lots of photos to add
ps you have a lot of room to work with .which is nice not many limitaions on size just species compatebilty livecoughaquara h
as a chart


Nice website. I really like the tanks. Will be looking at those for a few days lots of pics. I have been checking out that chart. I noticed wrasse had a C just was not sure why. After losing my big blue I really don't feel like trying anymore delicate fish. I was really starting to get attached and my 2 year old lost his dory. He likes the puffer better though ( Scubby) and the eel is now a snake (hiss hiss) lol so it's ok he also has nemo in the 15 gallon in his room. Maybe the blue moon angel will make him think she is dory. The LFs has had what they call a soldier fish I think it is actulally a big eyed squirel and the chart says they are fine with my other choices it is red and about 6 inches long. It was in the same tank as the wolf eel the sf tang and a large SS puffer and has been there about a year as well. lol They also have a huge panther grouper that has been up there for a long time. no one has tanks big enough for these big fish in our area. They won't sale them to people with small tanks. they also have a big foxface but he is the half gray one not real pretty. Choices choices?????????? Thanks again.


Active Member
no one has tanks big enough for these big fish in our area. They won't sale them to people with small tanks. they also have a big foxface but he is the half gray one not real pretty. Choices choices?????????? Thanks again.
the c stands for caution kinda like a 50/50 take your own chances you have been warned lol .thats why i like th larger tanks also much easier to not buy a fish that is not compatable than not have a large enough tank .was the foxface half yellow also?oh yeh they are exilent clean up no algae grows around a foxface and for an agressive tank with no inverts to clean it up between that and my scat i have no need for one.


yeah he is half yellow as well poor guy has been in the LFS for about 14 months. I think I may get him he is as big as my sailfin probably 7 or 8 inches long and fat he eats good. they call him a figi fox face. looks like the Bicolor Foxface on the site with the chart. not to shabby. well time to go to the gym will check back tomorrow night thanks again.