

New Member
Is there a type of shark that you can get that you will not have to worry bout it eating other fish? Other than trying to remedy this by possibly larger fish than the shark?


No tankmate is "safe" when they are with a shark. You could try tankmates but keep a very close eye on them and make sure you can remove them if the shark decides not to share the tank.


I got a five foot nurse shark you can have that hasn't eaten a single fish in it's lifetime :p
Hehe... but I don't guarantee he won't later.


5 foot nurse shark. How big of a tank would that need? How much would you sell him for? What are you feeding him currently? How big will he get?


I would suggest for a common nurse shark about a 5,500 to 7,000 gallon minimum. 10,000 is probably an excellent size for them. Since it is only 5 foot in lengh right now a 3,500 would probably do nicely. I feed them shrimp, octopus, and fish. He should get 10-12 feet in the proper enviornment. You can't exactly ship a 5 foot nurse shark very easily. At least without risking it's life. Cost depends on a lot of things: how far you are from original home, the cost of the truck to move the animal, and the labor involved with helping you to get it setup in your home.
[ December 08, 2001: Message edited by: risc ]


Dont get a nurse shark. They get way to big for home aquariums. My fav small shark species is the marbled catshark, this is one of the few species i would purchase for an aquarium. My lfs has now three banded bamboo sharks for sale this is in Canadian dollars. They are $89.99.
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