Shaving Brush in DT


I am not sure why it would be considered to be invasive. In my tank, it grows very slowly and easily overtaken by other algae spp.
I think it might do OK with PC lighting, but it is a slow grower, Gorgeous and hot when it does, but it does take some TLC and pampering. When you first get it and place it gently in the substrate, it appears to die. But, be patient and wait. It might grow new shoots that spread by runners under the substrate. I think it needs calcium, and can consume quite a bit so watch that parameter when it starts growing.
A very nice addition to any tank, IMO.

veni vidi vici

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Caulerpa taxifolia is a marine, green alga, a certain strain of which is invading sectors of the western coasts of the Mediterranean Sea where it grows much more robustly than it does in its native range. In the Mediterranean it has spread into thousands of hectares where it fills the water column with hundreds of tons of plant biomass per hectare. It is protected from sea urchins, fish and other herbivores by its toxicity. Caulerpa taxifolia is native to the Caribbean and other tropical seas where it grows in small patches and does not present problems. However, it was reported in 2000 that the Mediterranean Sea strain of the alga was discovered in California waters, where it is not native, and where it may spread as it has in the Mediterranean.