Shaving Brush turning white.....

I purchased a 5 pack from here over a month ago. So far 2 of them have turned completely white and have been eaten by my blue legs. Calcium and lighting conditons are good. Any ideas why?
Originally Posted by ophiura
Can you present your tank specs, lighting and parameters please?

55g nitrite .1 nitrate 20 ammonia .022 grav 1.024 calcium 400
lighting = standard flourescent bulb, LR LS 12 blue leg hermit, 2 turbo snails, 6 peppermint shrimp, 1 flame scallop, 1 brittle star, 8 shaving brushes, 1 red kelp, 2 tomato 1 royal gramma. they are all placed where light hits them directly. no idea why they seem to be "dying". i did a 20% water change yesterday and added some live bacteria to lower the bad stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltWaterNoob
55g nitrite .1 nitrate 20 ammonia .022 grav 1.024 calcium 400
lighting = standard flourescent bulb, LR LS 12 blue leg hermit, 2 turbo snails, 6 peppermint shrimp, 1 flame scallop, 1 brittle star, 8 shaving brushes, 1 red kelp, 2 tomato 1 royal gramma. they are all placed where light hits them directly. no idea why they seem to be "dying". i did a 20% water change yesterday and added some live bacteria to lower the bad stuff.
How long has this tank been up? can you explain why you still have amonia and Nitrite in your tank, but shaving brushes turning white is a sign they are dying and then the brisltes will fall of and make a mess. Oh and the standard flourescent lighting is not sufficient for salt water plants.


i bought some of them once....i use MH/PC combo and 2 of mine turned white also, i bought them as a treat for my tangs they ate it and picked it to pices over time, but my long spined urchant ate them the most, but mine would send out new ones under the sand even after the plant had turned white, and they are always white, but if you watch close you will see that the hurmits eat only the top layer which is GREEN and leave the white behind so i would say your hurmits are eating them, and standard floresants are not good enough for any plant thats in water, i would get atleast T5s but would recomend getting VHOs if you would like to be able to grow any kind of corals out there
i still have some minor bad stuff due to my niece decding to feed the fish 1/4 of a bottle of pellets (she is 7). thats why i did the water change and added the bacteria. according to the guy at the store the lights i have are sufficient.......... go figure
ok took some water samples to the store and got them tested, all of my parameters are at safe levels. no idea why i am getting different results at home. Also i updated my lighting system to a 10,000k/65watt and actinic 65watt, cost me $430 :(. lets hope they start to live. damn crabs

p.s. buying some coral tommorrow :)


that seems pretty expensive for pc lighting. anyway, for shaving brush you will need high Ca(over 400) and strong lights. how deep is your tank?


Active Member
WOW...quite expensive on the lights! But definitely an improvement
What brand of test kit do you use?
Originally Posted by NEreef
that seems pretty expensive for pc lighting. anyway, for shaving brush you will need high Ca(over 400) and strong lights. how deep is your tank?

24" deep and the sand depth varies, the tomatos tend to make piles out of it in various spots, seems like they are making sand dunes.
Originally Posted by ophiura
WOW...quite expensive on the lights! But definitely an improvement
What brand of test kit do you use?

we use red sea and my gf was scouring the forums here to see peoples ops on it and it seems alot of folks don't like it. we were interested in a dip stick test but not sure how that would work. we are going back to the lfs today...... we 4got to buy the glass top for the tank


Active Member
IMO, DON"T buy the glass tops!!! TOtally not necessary and sometimes in fact have a negative impact. Look up egg crate.
Dip sticks, red sea, etc are not good test kits and not worth spending money on. Spend money on QUALITY in test kits.
i wish i read your glass top comment before purchasing them

they are ugly, i am not happy with them.
we got the Tetra test kit. i hope it works better


Active Member
You should be able to return them, no?
They can sometimes have an impact on the pH, because it impacts gas exchange (reduces pH).
Originally Posted by ophiura
You should be able to return them, no?
They can sometimes have an impact on the pH, because it impacts gas exchange (reduces pH).
woot got them returned. I purchased some minor things for the tank. Egg crates are good you say?