shaving brush


was thinking of putting some shaving brush in the dt, since i have no sump or refugium. just looking for some thoughts on that one..Have read that tangs will not eat it, will be getting a kole tang in the future, what would be the best to put in the dt any suggestions will be helpfull.


Active Member
I used to have soem shaving brush in my DT and took them out. Their leaves are like pine needles and when they come off they get all over the tank and what a mess.


ok that does not sound too good. lol do not really want to pick up pine needles... there are soo many diff kinds of algae to get, just do not want the tang or lmb to eat it... you guys heard of (phaeophyta) sargassum algae, or red grape (botryocladia sp.).. whats the best kinds to throw in dt?