shaving brush


We had one for about a year. A hurricane moved through and caused the loss of just about everything (this was years ago), but it was no problem to take care of.
No, you don't need your lights on all the time....are the lights on all the time in the wild?
I don't keep them on all the time...just keep them out of currents way and they'll be fine. I had one that got decimated cos it was in the way of a weird current that came down the side of my tank.


I tried them twice.
At the begining and a year later.
Not much luck, 2 months at most.
I did find that my scarlet hermits liked to hang on them and I think eat or at least tear them apart.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by IchiroMariners
do i need to leave my lights on all the time for the sahving brush to survive?

although I keep my light on in my refugium for 24 hours no plant needs 24 hr lighting to survive. In fact a high level of lighting encourages fast growing hair algaes to bloom. in my macro algae culture tank, I adjust my lighting if hair algae is noticed. What I do is reduce the lighting and/or shorten the duration until the hair dies off. Then after the hair dies off I increment the duration in small steps. The macros and plants do fine at that level of lighting. Currently it is about 10 hours or so.


Active Member
I read somewhere that shaving brushes, although easy to care for, will die unexpectedly and lose their leaves...
Is this true? I have been thinking of keeping shaving brushes in my tanks, but don't really want to clean up the powerhead intakes if they get crammed full of dead shaving brush leaves.


i have ordered the 5 pack of shaving brushes from this site about a month ago. 4 are doing fine,1 has died, and i have a new one growing through the substrate. i keep the light on for 12 hours


Active Member

Originally posted by Dacia
I have been thinking of keeping shaving brushes in my tanks, but don't really want to clean up the powerhead intakes if they get crammed full of dead shaving brush leaves.

Someone on this board said that when they die it looks like a Christmas tree blew up in your tank.
Kinda turned me off the idea too.