WOW! That shark tank is WWWWAAAYYYYYYY overstocked!! There were like 6 black tips in a 2000 gallon aquarium that looked like a rounded 55!! Creepy. U clean that tank?
Originally Posted by GoFish85
yea thats a pretty crazy story. black tips scare very quickly. i got to go behind the scenes at shedd because my boss actually is a volunteer at the shedd and dives in the carribean reef. besides that i clean a 2000 gallon tank with 4 black tips and whenever i take the lids off they go crazy splashin and jetting from side to side. ive never had a problem with them they are pretty used to me getting in the tank since i do it every week. there also is a pretty nice white tip . go to the gallery.
yea every monday i clean it. there's actually 4 black tips and 1 white tip. and i would agree it's over crowded. the customer wanted those sharks and that many so that's what they got. we just took the two largest sharks out and replaced them with two newborns. the tank is fifteen feet long by four feet wide and six feet tall. the filtration is unbeleivable.
Originally Posted by treybom
i live in chicago but havent been to the shedd in awhile
i defineely gotta go to the sheed cuz the lasttime i was there i wasnt into this hobby... ill have a totally new appreciation for it
Originally Posted by GoFish85
yea every monday i clean it. there's actually 4 black tips and 1 white tip. and i would agree it's over crowded. the customer wanted those sharks and that many so that's what they got. we just took the two largest sharks out and replaced them with two newborns. the tank is fifteen feet long by four feet wide and six feet tall. the filtration is unbeleivable.
Last time I was there there was only 2 blacktips and a white tip. What happened with the others? Also do you work at the reptile house/go fish aquariums....
My wifes home office is in Chicago and a couple years back they flew her up there for a party. The company owner had the place leased for the night and had a dinner party there. She said it was great to eat and have all those fish swimming around. Thanks for the pics cause all she could do was describe it.
sharkguy. i work at theCHICAGO REPTILE HOUSE in orland park one time we took two of the largest sharks out and there was a relapse time of about two weeks before we put the two new juveniles. the two new ones were slow to acclimate but after about three weeks we got them to a nice stable situation. still skiddish but eating.