sheldon's 55 gal ,


hello all , gonna post some pics of my tank , not nearly as nice as most of what ive seen on this site, but i proud of it , not sure what types of coral i have , i know i got shrooms and polyps? but no clue what types, I will try to get good pics of what i have and post em.....


more pics , bought new mushrooms and zoo's today , small single frags, will get some pics , i think they are kewl , gf got a rock with a yellow coral on it , looks to me like mold but what do i know ,
this tank is about 5 months old so i think i doing ok so far ...

... just checked all the new stuff , nothing looks good enuff for pics , maybe tomorrow
later all


ok here is the mystery rock , sorry for lighting , i broke the bulb, while checking the front fixtures, wich are not working :( , rock is soft/smooth to touch , not sure if slime , not squishy ... any clues on what or how to keep it alive ? GF got out of overflow tank in LFS

justin podolan

Thats a very nice loohing tank uoy fave there. What kind of light do you have?


65 watt compact floerescent x2 + 2 of the all blue bulbs, those 55 wats ,but those fixtures not working atm , atm i have on all white bulb in , and one all blue bulb , gives the tank an eary effect ,,


Active Member
Just a heads up the anemone already looks bleached, your lighting will not bring it back and it will probably die some time in the future if you don't get higher lighting.
I like the aquascape. You did a good job with it.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Just a heads up the anemone already looks bleached, your lighting will not bring it back and it will probably die some time in the future if you don't get higher lighting.
I like the aquascape. You did a good job with it.
+1 and that acro (purple hard coral)wont make it either.It need alot more lighting than what you currently have.Other than that the tank looks great. Nice job


kewl , i glad we doing good :) ....
all 3 anemones have been the colors they r since we got them , ebaying the bulb , hoping to have one by monday ,, the acro bottom half is turning white ,i moved it to the top of tank under the white bulbs , just noticed in the pic above the bottom of the acro , close to base is white :( ,bulb has been broken a week ,
i tried to super glue a zoo to a rock last nite .. failed , will try again .
also will try to get new pics of the new stuff we got nothing special just things we saw that we thought looked good ,
also solved the damsel problem , not adding any fish till the 3 mean fish die of old age ( i can get really small hippo tangs from lfs , but dont want them beat up , fish store said when he gets to big for tank bring him back for credit ) not fair to the tangs .
ty for the feed back , kind of proud of my charlie brown ft !
ok water here , gonna do a 5 gal wc got 6 dif readings on hydro thing all 1.025 + bbl ...


ok here are more pics, all done today 12-19-08, with in the last hour ...
heres what my acro looks like today :(.....

here's a full tank with new stuff ....

ok i think these are ricoria mushrooms ?

reg shrooms ...

sun polyp?....

this srhoom my cut in half where it is on rock , like a decoration crab did the red mushrooms above (decoration crab is def not reef safe, y dont lfs tell ya that ?)

my gf is hoping it will grow 2 ,
and i think this is a toadstool ? im bad with names ,all these corals names hard to keep up with ...

our first home made frags!!! , acro is not one we made :(

ok the rest of the pics i dont like so i not posting them , will take more next thursday, xcept the one gf cut will get a shot once a day till we know if it survived or not , an way nite all


thanks , still need better camera , ok waiting on buld to get here , need to replace ballast on other fixture,, acro died :( will try another one once all lights r working , LCS ,(local coral store, they specialize in coral) sells small frags for $5-$10 so not a big loss in money ..
took a few more pics ,
here is the shroom my gf cut .. 2 days ...

here is our other emerald crab , we got him 4 mos ago, same size as other emerald crab we have

and a pic of the underneath of tank ..

thats all for now ...
also ive was reading alot of the other posts,, one was about water , when i set up this tank , i went to dania beach (fl) walked into water and held buckets under water ,sand came from right where the water was breaking on the shore , since then ive only added distilled water , and what ever water fish/coral came in , nothing bad ever happened ,
i have water tested at lfs once a month , on sundays i add 10ml of iodine and kent essential mins, every nite 5 ml of calcium, 10 ml of phytoplex every other day , i cant say if any of this stuff is helping , but i know nothing dieing so not hurting
as far as the tank and setup i got it for almost nothing, when i was given it i was explained how to clean it thats all , still dont know what type pump or skimmer just know they work , was told i need a uv bulb soon being the one i have is almost a yr old ,not looking forward to taking that apart
i also have added reef bugs to tank , not sure if that has worked at all , there a way to tell ?
was wondering would a floating or hang on side guppy breeder work well for shroom frags , since my emerald crab like to rearrange my frags ?
im also trying to talk gf into letting me buy a 29 gal nano , so i can have 2 true black clowns , and a place to grow shroom frags, if the one we cut lives , we gonna split the rest i think , and are going to need another tank :)
any way talk to every one later , hope u enjoy the pics , i filmed a small movie with the same cam as the pics just have not watched it, so not sure if it worth posting ..


Active Member
as for the frags.
get a soap holder that goes in a shower with suckion cups put some rubble in it and stick it to the glass of your tank and put the frags in there.


well just a fast update ,no pics, got all my loose coral frags glued to rocks so they not floating around tank , mushroom gf cut in half isn't cut all the wa threw so not sure how it gonna grow, but it still alive , the white xenia i had has all died , all the other coral seems ok , was planning on picking up a purple maximus clam for gf as xmas present , but got tuck working , will pick up sunday , along with frogspawn coral , looks like hammer head coral but not that one , and anything thing else that might catch my eye,
well happy holidays all , hope every one is having a happy and safe one


hello all ,, been a while , fast update , got a second tank , 29 bio cube ,gonna be for coral frags and clown when done cycling , got 3 damsels in it atm , , no luck on splitting any mushrooms :( zoo's have started to multiply , clam is very happy ,so is gf lol , ill also post pics , of everything , as soon as i take new ones


Originally Posted by spanko
Just a heads up the anemone already looks bleached, your lighting will not bring it back and it will probably die some time in the future if you don't get higher lighting.
I like the aquascape. You did a good job with it.
Yah you need at leasy 200 watts I think my anemone was bleached but luckily I bought a $350 lighting system and saved it


well about lights , i only running 2 55 watt compact flo. ,new one , left side of tank pic is 10,000k all wht ,put in weekend after xmas , other one is a 8,000k bulb also white , have not lost an anemoe yet ,due to lighting, i pinned one under a rock when i had to rearrange tank :( i still haven't replaced other light set , also sub compacts , bio cube has 2 34 watt bulbs , blue and white , anenome has a neon yellow tint to it , right now i only have softies for coral , everything LOOKS ok , have seen some new growth ,,,
i also have new pics waiting for them to upload
i do have a question , are the dif types of kenya trees, and also what colors can the be??
and frogspawn come in other color besides green ?
ok pics uploaded .......
29 bio cube

the 55 gallon

ok rest is random pics , not much new coral , but pics r from today ....
new talbot damsel / 29g

yellow bellied damsel /29g

scooter blenny /29g

coral cat /55g

random unnamed zoos