

Active Member
Tim - your sig line is absurdly long....and that color of blue hurts my eyes;) :rolleyes: Actually it is a bit long.:) I used to have a pretty long one but, even I got tired of scrolling through it so I took it off and now I just have my awesome quote on there so people will know how smart and wise I am:D


Active Member
I would leave some things out such as snails and hermits, tank conditions.....unless you update them daily, then they aren't accurate anyway. pH and temp would need updated hourly atleast.:D Bioballs are being removved, so maybe forget that. drop the size to 1.........
70g (260l) REEF TANK (BOW) SET UP DEC 2002

Fluval 304 Cannister Filter (containing Activated Carbon)
Prizm Skimmer
4x Maxijet Powerhead
T5 Lighting System
20lbs Live Rock with 40lbs Dead becoming live, 60lbs Live Sand
1 Cleaner Shrimp and 2 Peppermint Shrimp
False Percula Clown and Royal Gramma
Zooanthid being overgrown by Clove polyp


Just for S&G I changed to old 15" and set it to 600x800 resolution and this doesnt take up but half of that. I am sorry about before and had forgotten that not everyone keeps resolution insanely high. My low for games is 1024x768 on a 19". I did go looking around and mine is below most of what I have seen, but longer than yours. I will trim it more if ya want, your call.


Active Member
When you reply there are options at the bottom of the screen. One box is for showing your signature. Box checked, signature. Box not checked, no signature.


Active Member
Shep, looks good to me now. I hope you understand that many before you were asked to shorten theirs as well. :) I run 1280 x 1024 on a 21 inch screen...and it seemed quite long. Signatures can be turned off in your control panel so that you don't see anyones, but I do find them informative at times. Just don't need a life story....know what I mean?:D :D Thanks for understanding and shortening it....much better. :) :) Very appreciated.:)


if you just take a second to uncheck the show signature box to subsequent posts in a thread that will go a long way. having your info once in a thread is great because it lets everyone know what you are running, but more than once on a long sig is not needed. i have been on boards that prohibit more than one sig per thread, so the uncheck option is a good one if you want to include a lot of information in a thread that you are active on.


Active Member
Sammy, What Krux said was what I meant to say, but was in a hurry. Have your signature once on a thread. Then the next time you post on that same thread, turn off your signature. I have seen Tim do this.


Active Member
yup i only ever use my sig once on a thread, no point in more than once, then it will just annoy people!
I dont have the time now but will alter my sig with sammy's recommendations soon!


Active Member
might i add to this that i also prefer sigs that aren't in red! when you use the search function the words that you searched for are highlighted in red. so...when people's sigs are red (or part red) it makes it harder to scroll through and find what you're searching for!!! (and we want to be encouraging people to use the search function right...?)


Active Member
Geez, I learned something, yet again! I don't have a sig, so therefore (obviously) I cant uncheck the box, but still good to know this. I NEVER noticed that before, I just scrolled past it and hit submit.


I ditched the red just so you could search easier...and I unclicked the box that I just learned about....


Active Member
Yeh as soon as my exams are over (tomorrow!!!! :D) I am going to really update my website and have a quick reference bit which will basically be my signature! So not much longer!


Even tho some of those sigs are long like Sheps and Tims they have been useful. When people give advice and i see that they have it gives some credibility. It also gives new folks an idea of how other people's setups are. Not too long, but imformative.


New Member
I personally like to see the tank specs of someone who is trolling for advice. It's a lot easier to come up with possible solutions and give advice when you don't have to play 20 questions just to get the info you need. I'll admit, I have seen some REALLY long ones. I thinks Shep's original one was a little long in the tooth, but I've always liked Tim's and have been glad that it has been there for me to reference.