

New Member

Originally posted by LucentClownfish

This is the set up that I am using temporarily ( With the help of home depot and a MH that I got for free from a friend>)
It was easy to make and very very effective! So if you dont liike it dont look , but you wont believe how nice this light makes my old rocks look.
And heres a tip for all you people using Flourecents;
Look at the Power rating on your hood. If it says sixty five watts and you are using two bulbs that are 45 and 45 watts what does that tell you??? Just a tip.


New Member

Originally posted by slothy
what the hell.. lol
ghetto rigged for sure, but hey if it works then to each its own

Why would you post that ---- for the public to see, no I didnt know what they meant , but Im not some computer jock that spends my whole life on the computer, I use it for what I need to know Fast.
What I can read..........what I can assume I dont need your help is a fish tank buddy get with it!
as for the guy spending more time with his fish tank than his got issues , grow up.


Active Member
Hey man you need to chill out. Enought of that. I was simply saying that your setup dosen't look safe. I'm sorry if you don't like replies to your post. Do you really think that set up is safe? I mean you reflector is going over top of your hang on the back filter. What slothy said was not bad if you read it at the end it say to each his own. Do you understand what that means? You posted that you don't need help. Then why are you here? You haven't been here long and need to learn how to handle you emotions. Do you think if you come off like an a$$ people will help you next time? And just so you know what people put in thier sig is just a saying.


New Member
Hey I totally understand what you are saying. I dont think that I know everything but I came here to help other people, not to get help but that is my deal not yours.
As far as what sloothy said , We have talked on and off for about a week now and I thought that he was my friend than he posts that comment... I really didnt think that he was very nice when I talked to him, than he did that. To me he had no cuth, and was insulting to me I took it as that and still do. And it had nothing to do with any posting it had to do with a personal converstation and I would expect an e mail not a public post.
I will not argue I am sorry for insulting you but I would appreciate it if you would not insult my creation any further. I assure you it is one hundred percent safe and Is shielded from any water by glass. As for the filter it is in active and Is going to be Put away very soon. I had to buy another filter when I put in my 5" SB to filter the debris so I use it now.
Thank you


Active Member
Thats cool I just would hate to see anyone get hurt from bad or faulty equipment. I was not slamming your set up I just didn't think it was safe. I'm sorry if you thought I was bashing you.


Active Member
you say that is 100% safe? i dont think anyone could call that safe, if you bumped it and it fell in- i wouldnt want to be there when it happens- as i can see, you are a DIYer, which is cool- mounting it in a custom built canopy would make it a lot safer(and would take too long)nothing about SW tanks is 100%- not trying to put you down- just construtive criticism:)


Active Member
WOW dunno how i missed this one...
lucent that was in no way or form a insult to you or others... just not something i would do on my tank or my health... ive been zap many times.. electrical stuff around water is something i dont cut corners on .. you did.. but if it works and working fine then thats your biz.. not saying its wrong just not someting i would do ..
i have sit here and looked and looked and still can not make it out. i dont see how any of you make it out. but this is a good post to read when you are bored at


And just my .02, this whole thread has gotten WAY too much attentionall of which could have been avoided had the board administrator allowed e-mail or private messageing. Of course, he could have titled it "do not read this post"