Shipping Break In FL?


Is there a shipping break from the company to FL residents since your also located in FL? Everytime I go to check out it seems to be an arm and a leg extra for what I want to get. Some companies offer cheaper if shipping in same state this is why I am asking.


Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
Is there a shipping break from the company to FL residents since your also located in FL? Everytime I go to check out it seems to be an arm and a leg extra for what I want to get. Some companies offer cheaper if shipping in same state this is why I am asking.
I think there should be too! Deal with some "others" from FL and their shipping is like $6-$10 Max! Can't even drive anywhere for that!But working full time-you must be home to accept-glad I have nice neighbors and they call me and I run home to acclimate/or whatever....