shipping fish


hey there does anyone know how to ship fish. i have someone that wants to by one of my fish but i have never shipped any before!
please help!!!


From my experience of ordering them on line, they come triple bagged and then put in a foam cooler to keep the temp consistant. You may want to put something in there to keep the bags from turning over. Then the cooler is put into the shipping box. Definately note "This Side Up". Oh, also overnight it.


When the lfs gets them in they are shipped with oxygen in the bag!!!!
I just sent 2 members some kenyas out of my tank and I took to work and used the welding oxygen. I would think the fish need oxygen even more than corals so if you can get it I would definitely use it.


One of the most important things is to have more air than water for the gas transference. You definately want to cover the fish, but the more air (or O2) you put in, the better!